> Hello Gunn Alumni Of All Kinds: > > The reunion / pep rally / picnic observing the Golden Anniversary of the Gunn Football Undefeated season of 1971 - 1972 is building to be quite an event. > > We expect about 140 people*; mostly current players, coaches and cheerleaders, for whom attendance is free. We are inviting them to meet us and hear our wisdom, … pity them, their school year starts Saturday, August, 6th. > > None of this party is free for the alumni hosts. My treasury wizard Roland Burchard explained the easy way to spread the cost around. “We need about twelve guys to donate $1,000 each. Or, we need twenty-five alumni and friends to chip in $500 each.” > > As I told Roland, my Visa card will take whatever anyone cares to contribute. Anything over the magic number will be donated to the Gunn Foundation in support of their scholarship program. > > Here is the simple budget. > > Catering (bbq sandwiches, sides, chips and dips, brownies, soda pop and water), $4,000. Site rental and insurance, $500. Very cool alumni donation to current team, Nike Vapor Pro “Away” jerseys**, $7,290. Shirts, awards, decor, etc. Banks donation, $0. > > Total Due $11,790. > > But wait! Mark Hearn, Bill Schumacher and Roland have already stepped up. -$2,500 > > So today we need $9,290. I hope you can contribute any amount you deem appropriate. > > (I barely passed Mr. Hutchinson’s Geometry class, so this math may be suspect.) > > The easiest way for you to contribute to the party is to mail me a check, either now or when you get around to it. Or, hand me your check/cash August 6th. > > > Mail To: > David Banks > 69887 Meadow View Road > Sisters, OR 97759 > > > Essentially, you are helping put on a pep rally, buying students and coaches lunch, outfitting football players and you get a free shirt. > > I thank you in advance for your support. I can’t wait to see you in two weeks!! > > Best, > > David Banks > > > > > * So far, about twenty-one (out of twenty-nine) alumni football players are coming. About four alumni “cheer people” and coaches have signaled interest. > > > > **Jerseys (below): I realize I was the one that offered an alumni football team donation (of some sort) to the current Gunn football program. Coach Miller thought about this for about two seconds and suggested they need away jerseys. Commemorating the record season, and having the old players help the young players seemed perfect. The team will wear your memories and support into battle. This did, however, turn out to be a big ticket item. As it was my decision, without your input, I understand completely if you do not care to contribute to this part of the reunion. Back in February we ordered forty-five jerseys at $162 each. These are form-fitting and I doubt your form will fit. > > > > > > > > > > > Gunn Football Reunion > Saturday, August 6th, 10:00 am Practice > 12:00 Noon Picnic & Presentations > Henry M. Gunn Senior High Stadium and Amphitheater