I just wanted to provide some clarity about the upcoming Reunion Between The Reunions on Sunday, October 9th, 2022 from 1-5 at the Garden House in Shoup Park. In the past we've had the RBTRs at Zotz, but the ownership change precluded this. The new owners only let groups sign up for two hours, and I didn't want to "push the envelope" by planning something that generally lasts longer. But because the class of 1972 planned their reunion for October, and not summer, I was also concerned about the weather - even though it will apparently never rain in California ever again. Although meeting at a park would have been great, I wanted to secure a place that would have cover just in case it rained - hence the Garden House. Because you need a Los Altos resident to reserve it, I asked Ben to do so, and he fronted the $700 reservation fee. I reimbursed him. We will "pass the hat" at the event, and if it comes up short, I'll deal with it. I suspect that September 2023 is more likely to have good weather, so we can plan our own Sunday picnic at Mitchell Park or someplace else in Palo Alto (assuming you even want to have a third event). Bottom line: even though Ben assisted me in this year's effort, your reunion team is not on the hook for anything other than showing up and having fun. Howard