Unofficial "Notes" - State Track & Cross-Country Advisory Committee Meeting - State CIF Office - Oakland -1/14/03 - Doug Speck

Unofficial "Notes" - State CIF Cross-Country Track/Cross-Country advisory - Doug Speck

Roger Blake, Steve Raupp, Dean Crowley, Bob McGuire, Marty Simpson, Roberta Chisam, Pete Sawyer, Amber Lassiter, Bob King, Scott Fairley, Ernie Aguirre, Doug Speck, Hal Harkness, Peter Brewer, Andy Leong, Jim Clendaniel, Alan Amundson

1. Welcome and introductions

2. Approval of Agenda - approved

3. Approval of minutes of 10/1/02 Meeting - approved

4. State CIF update
--new office is settled in Oakland - possible to hold meetings in the state office

5. Statewide electronic entries
--Hal Harkness spoke to movement towards similar hytek program for entries where they do not have to be entered into a program by someone who runs the meet or at the Section Finals site. Question raised about having common four letter school names for hytek program. Common School ID list will be posted on web site.

6. Selection of Honor Coaches
--Jim Duel spoke to need for names for Honor Coaches from Sections. Roger Blake felt Section CC Advisory Committee members could be the source of this information. Potential honroee information needs to go out in August for Cross-Country and December 1st for Track. Some sections have nominated folks and have them not fill out the paperwork to be honored. Some have actually declined the nomination.
--Jim Duel also brought out information on media and the state cross-country meet. Information was put on the State web site, 82 media members attended the competition, and most areas seemed to go well.

Cross-Country Items

7. Championship Event Review - Roger Blake - Dean Crowley - Marty Simpson
--attendance higher, number of invitees up (226 teams 2002 meet - 179 2001 meet - 194 2000 meet - 149 1999 meet). Billy Tee's (T-shirt vendor) was not notified about the addition in participants - 1900 vs. 1200 previous year - they sold out. Fresno happy with room usage weekend of meet. Mistake in placement of team in figuring caused adjustment in team participation resulted in team being added week of the meet.
Marty Simpson (Meet management) - Felt meet went well - good day for running - great times achieved by all the runners
Roger Blake - most of additions to the meet have been lower enrollment divisions

8. Financial information - For the first time ever the total event came out in the black to the tune of about $6000. A few small bills have to be paid still. 2001 competition lost about $6000. Buchanan crew does a super job of running the admission/entrance procedures, plus better weather this year probably reasons for increased income versus 2001 (weather affected by rain).

9. Commitee Report - Updated 4 year Result History -

10. Entry formula plus numbers -
Bob McGuire spoke to history that something like Girls Div I domination of top spots by Southern Section (top 7 spots) would push any other area out of added entrant possibilities. With the added entrant formula focusing on top ten consideration soon other areas would not be allowed added entries. With the Southern Section having the top seven spots this year and last you have nine other sections competing for the three spots left to be considered for added entries. There should be 23 teams at the starting line. If the number of participants to the meet should be reduced in some areas where it falls below that number than some adjustment should be made. Maybe the baseline number to be considered for added entrants should be out to 12 or 15 teams.
Questions raised on the adjustment of places that individuals need to take to move on to the state meet from their section meet. There is not enough time to change this for next year in the State Constitution, but work can be done for the 2004 meet.

11. Awards Ceremony - some questions on the awards timeline. For the next two years the schedule has been set up.
8:30 girls Div I race (awards 10:00)
9:05 Girls Div II Race (awards 10:40)
9:40 Boys Div I Race (Awards 10:20)
10:10 Boys Division II Race (Awards 11:00)
10:40 Girls Division III Race (Awards 11:20)
11:15 Boys Division IV Race (Awards 11:50)
11:45 Girls Division V Race (Awards 12:25)
12:20 Boys Division III Race (Awards 12:55)
12:50 Girls Division IV Race (Awards 1:30)
1:25 Boys Division V Race (Awards 1:50)
--some discussion indicated that awards presentations may not start until a few minutes late (built into system), with Div I Coach having race finish at 9:57 or so and if they are the Girls Div I coach also, the awards there starting at 10:00 a bit short a gap). In reality that first awards ceremony usually really starts 10:05-10:10 and has not been problem in the past.

12. T-Shirts sales - lines long and supply short with added entrants. Ordering can be done "on-line" next year.
--comments that smalls have been run out of lately at the competition with realization of this causing long Friday lines.
--area not conducive to forming lines in that area, something that will be dealt with in the future with some solid fencing for line markers.

13. Date - November 29th, 2003 Woodward Park - next year is the last of a 3 year contract with Fresno -$7000 from City of Fresno to offset costs and $5000 from the Visitor's Bureau - Government financial problems next few years could affect Fresno's support.

Discussion - computer entries of athletes was discussed with a realization that this direction will be moved to in the future.

Track and Field Items

15. Update 2003 Meeting - The Cerritos facility has been reserved for the 2003 dates. The Olympic level facility being constructed at Cal State Dominguez Hills may be considered in the future.

16. Final Financial Figures for 2002 - Friday income suffered with Games and Kings playing in the playoffs those dates. Positive income of about $30,000 was generated, and within the general State CIF budget it is expected to generate $40,000.

17. Facility Update - Bouganvillas are to be cut down at Cerritos from the Shot Put area.

18. Status of Helmets for Pole Vaulters - National Federation has mailed out flyer on helmets on the Pole Vault. No helmets are designed for the Pole Vault, but the Federation says that if you are designating that your vaulters wear them that it is recommended they wear lacrosse helmets without the protective facemask or eyeshield. Four states do now require helmets.

Pit regulations - old pits cannot be used, even for practice.

19. Officials - Nor Cal
--question on state meet officials being a part of an official's association group. State CIF is working on this as an area to target in the future. Southern California Track Starters is an accredited unit statewide.

20. Addition of 4x800 and Distance Medley Relay
--flow must come from the Leagues and Sections upwards to the State Level. Strong feelings about this must start at the local area level. Committee members are asked to poll their areas and sections about interest in potentially doing the 4x800 relay at this time. There will be feedback at the October meeting. If there is a need and a desire at the local level things can move up the ladder (should start by being run at the league finals and move up through the Section Meets, then there would be a possibility of it being added at the State level?). North Coast Section has had it as an exhibition event at its Section Meet (it could be run in the time gap at state between 200's and 4x400 relays on Friday where there is no 3200 trials that date).

21. Date for 2004 - June 4-5 Sacramento

22. Others items of interest
a. Additional events - sectors - Jan 1, 2003 IAAF has changed International Sectors from 40 degrees to to 34 degrees 92. High schools will probably follow. You can go out 20 meters on a foul line from the center of the circle, take 12 meters straight across, and you have your sector lines. This takes 1/8th out of sectors.

Olympic Events - in National Federation by-laws only javelin is listed as an approved event. Hammer and Steeplechase are not listed as official events. It is felt that national federation events from the rule book be the only ones allowed in California sanctioned affairs, and that wording be added to the state constitution to that affect. These events should not be held this year and the State CIF will send out a notice to that effect. Liability concerns about use of old pole vault pits (even for practice), hammer throw, and steeplechase competitions in sanctioned meets will be particular points of emphasis in near future communication with the State's Principals.

Tuesday Meeting next time - September 30th 2003.

Additional Notes from Roberta Chisam (St Francis)

Jan 14, 2003 CIF State Track and Cross Country Advisory Board Meeting Meeting Minutes:

1. Hal Harkness is encouraging all section championships to be run on Hytek so that the results can be merged much easier with the CIF entries personnel. There is a statewide list of a 4-letter abbreviations for every school in the state that we would like to encourage all meet directors to use. It can be downloaded from Hal Harkness.

2. Jim Duel is trying to find a way that we can get more female nominations for the Honor Coach of the Year. We are trying to get more sections to make nominations at their section advisory committee meetings. At Present, only the CCS does so. The other sections have the Cal Coaches Assoc. give the CIF their nominations. This past cross country season did not turn in many nominations. They would like to have the cross country ones in by August 1st and the track ones in by December 1st. Most sections do not give the honors coach for that season, this is the reason for these dates.

Cross Country:
1. Championship Event review: There were more athletes in this past state championship than ever before. The increase went from 1200 to 1900 athletes participating in the event. The comments statewide were very positive towards the running of the meet. There were concerns of the lines for t-shirts and food. The vendor "Billy T's" ran out of shirts because he was not notified of the increase of entries. You can now order t-shirts in advance on the internet at the CIF website. This may also answer the problem for the girls not having enough small shirts.
2. Next years meet is the last one on contract with the city of Fresno. It will be held on November 29th, 2003
3. Financially, this is the first year in which the XC championships has had a positive income of $19,000. The city of Fresno donates $12,000 for the running of the meet. They also benefit by the hotels and restaurants were sold out on Friday night.
4. Marty Simpson came up with a new schedule for the awards so that coaches that have both teams at the meet can take care of business. br> 5. Next years meet will allow the following number of automatic entries for the CCS in divisions:

 Boys		Girls
Div I 		2		2
Div II		2		3
Div III		3		3
Div IV		3		3
Div V		2		3

6. There was a discussion of having a system for individuals to qualify based on the number of teams that your section qualifies:
If you have 1 team qualify then the individuals must finish in the top 8 finishers
2	12
3	14
4	16
5	20

This was discussed with interest, but nothing was voted on.

II Track and Field
1. The CIF meet will be held in southern California at Cerritos College. In 2004 and 2005 it will be held at Sacramento. In 2006 it will return down south but the site is not committed. The use of Cerritos is much more expensive than using Sac. State. There is a new facility being built on the campus of CS Domingues Hills as we speak. There is a new track facility with all the field events inside and 2 runways for everything that can be run in either direction, including the pole vault. There are 4 shot rings and the discus ring is on the infield. The soccer stadium will be the site of the 2005 World Cup Games. There is the possibility of using this facility by 2006.

2. Pole Vault
Anyone that would like to use a helmet while pole vaulting is being encouraged to use the lacrosse helmets without the face mask. These are the only helmets in which anyone will guarantee any safety. If a coach recommends using a helmet, this is the helmet they should recommend. The athlete should take it upon themselves to decide if they want to wear a helmet since there is not true guaranteed helmet on the market right now.

b. anyone using old pole vault pits that are not up to the new codes should stop and or update them. If they cannot update them, they should not be used. Your liability of using them is in your own hands now. Make sure that if you use college sites for your meets that their pits are up to code, or do not use them.

3. Officials for Sacramento CIF meet:
There is a concern that the northern California officials are not accredited. If we use TAC/USA track officials, they may not be updated on all the CIF rules and may allow things to do uncalled. They may not know their total responsibilities. They are encouraging all sections to send a list of their official's organization to the CIF office so that they can be contacted about how to become accredited.

b. It is encouraged that we all use at least one accredited official in our dual meets—the starter so that he/she can be the meet referee.

4.The addition of the 4X800 and Distance Medley Relays
Peter Brewer brought up the possibility of running these events in the State Meet. It was brought to our attention that in order for it to be a State meet event, it needs to be run at the lower levels first. Right now, only the North Coast section is running it as an exhibition event on their Section trials day in the slot where the 2-mile would be run. They run their section championships on a 2-day event and the 2 milers do not run the first day. There are many Invitational meets in which this is already included. In the CIF rule book schedule of events it would be placed as the first event of the meet. This way, the milers and half-milers can double back. If this is of interest, you will need to talk to your section office.

5. The running of the steeplechase and hammer competitions
As of right now, there is no support from the National Federation for the running of these two events. This includes the training for these events. If an athlete were to be injured in these events, there would be trouble for the meet director and coach who allowed the running of these events. When Hal Harkness brought this up for discussion, he did so because someone asked about having the steeplechase in their meet. He told us that if he were to allow this to happen that he would lose his seat on the National Advisory Rule Board and as our state representative, we would no longer have a say in the National Federation Rules. I guess that basketball has done this and lost representation.

In the CCS, the West Valley Relays runs a steeplechase event. It is encouraged by all of us that we no longer participate in that event. If they want to do it during the summer in club track then go right ahead.

6.Throwing sectors:
Just a heads up: the IAAF has decreased their throwing sectors to 34.9* because it is much easier to measure them. There is a possibility that we may be using this soon.

If you have any concerns that you would like raised at this meeting in September or would like to give input on these issues, you can contact me at:

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Publisher: John Dye

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