CCS All Time - Girls 3200 [2 Mile] Now reporting in Meters since > 50% of marks are meters (additional marks)

Note: When this list was first compiled, all marks that were considered a Top 100 entry were inputted. As the years have gone by and more meet results were discovered, the 100th place mark was improved upon. However, it was felt that those original marks in the Top 100 should not be lost so this addtional list was created for that reason. Coaches: I am in need of competitors grade in school when a mark was achieved. This will be obvious by the '?' mark in the GRade field. Please E-mail me the information. The ADDITIONAL MARKS list is no longer maintained. Only marks that once qualified as a Top 100 mark will be displayed. - = 1.0058399 conversion yards to meters f = .24 hand to FAT Girls 3200 [2 Mile] Now reporting in Meters since > 50% of marks are meters 6/18/2024 Name School Mark FAT Gr Year Meet Info Comments ---- ------ ---- --- --- ---- --------- -------- Melissa Reed (Mt View) 10:53.98 FAT * 2013 Arcadia (Seed-11th) Molly Haar (Mitty) 10:53.98 FAT 2013 CCS (6th) Gretchen Nelson (San Mateo) 10:54.24 f [10:54.1] 1982 State (10th) Grace Ling (Lynbrook) 10:54.25 FAT * 2014 CCS (7th) Marissa Ferrante (Aptos) 10:54.62 FAT ** 2008 Top 8 (1st) Lydia Anderson (Los Altos) 10:54.72 FAT *** 2023 SCVAL (4th) Mircea Kippes (Wilcox) 10:54.73 FAT 2023 DDF (13th) Deborah Bleisch (Silver Creek) 10:54.83 FAT * 1995 State (8th) Amanda Boyd (San Benito Hollister) 10:54.86 FAT * 2005 CCS (2nd) Jenny Wilson (Notre Dame-SJ) 10:55.11 FAT 2001 CCS (2nd) Kylie Hoornaert (Prospect) 10:56.05 FAT *** 2022 K-Bell (1st) Becky Schmidt (Half Moon Bay) -10:56.35 FAT * 1978 Reg 1 (1st) Anne Ricketts (Saratoga) 10:56.55 FAT 1999 Arcadia (12th) Bridget Gottlieb (Monta Vista) 10:56.86 FAT 2014 CCS Tr (5th) Erinn Kim (Milpitas) 10:56.94 FAT 2004 CCS Tr (2nd) Ashleigh Nebeker (Milpitas) 10:56.96 FAT 2001 CCS (3rd) Lisa Greenberg (Del Mar) -10:57.30 f [11:01.0] *** 1974 Cal-AAU (1st) Alva Dancel (Mills) 10:57.54 f [10:57.4] 1990 CCS (2nd) Allegra Mayer (Gunn) 10:57.62 FAT 2009 CCST (3rd) Cathy Demmelmaier (Lynbrook) -10:57.86 FAT * 1980 Reg 2 (1st) Christina Barrientos(Harbor) 10:58.03 FAT ** 2006 CCS (1st) Mugsy Kosek (Gunn) -10:58.39 f [11:02.1] ** 1987 Top 8 (3rd) Yulisa Abundis (Aptos) 10:58.90 FAT * 2014 CCS (9th) Claire MacMillan (SLV) 10:58.93 FAT * 2013 GWI (1st) Matti Peoples (Aptos) 10:58.93 FAT * 2015 CCS (5th) Marielle Schlueter (St Ignatius) 10:58.94 f [10:58.8] 1997 CCS (1st) Jenny Xu (Monta Vista) 10:58.97 FAT * 2014 SCVAL (3rd) Anne Hamilton (Capuchino) -10:59.39 f [11:03.1] 1979 CCS (4th) Domatilla Torrens (St Francis) -10:59.49 f [11:03.2] 1993 SR Board-PENDING 11:03.46Fm CCS (1st) Mary Kriege (Mitty) 10:59.55 FAT 2011 GWI (2nd) Julia Bounds (St Francis) 11:00.01 FAT *** 2014 Top 8 (4th) Karen Devine (Westmont) -11:00.08 f [11:03.8] *** 1979 CCS (6th) Vicky Bray (Los Altos) -11:00.28 f [11:04.0] ** 1977 King City Inv (1st) Amy Schnittger (Aptos) 11:00.52 FAT * 2007 CCS (4th) Marla Pleyte (San Benito Hollister) 11:00.54 f [11:00.4] * 1994 SR Board-PENDING Laurie Andeen (Menlo-Atherton) -11:00.98 f [11:04.7] * 1987 PAL (1st) Rachel Peters (Mitty) 11:01.67 FAT 2002 CCS (7th) Laura Sandavol (St Ignatius) 11:02.03 FAT 1996 State (10th) Miranda Middlecoff (Los Gatos) 11:02.04 f [11:01.9] *** 1992 CCS (1st) Allison Sturges (Mt View) 11:02.44 FAT * 2011 Vs LA (1st) Ana-Elyse Smith (Aptos) 11:02.84 f [11:02.7] * 1997 CCS (2nd) Karen Wolfe (Sequoia) 11:03.34 f [11:03.2] 1981 State (12th) Susan Brodie (St Francis) -11:03.36 f [11:07.1] * 1982 CCS (5th) Diana Harlick (Mills) 11:03.44 f [11:03.3] * 1991 CCS (1st) Emily Allison (Leland) 11:04.50 FAT 1996 State (9th) Jeanne Harlick (Mills) 11:04.74 f [11:04.6] 1992 CCS (2nd) Andrea Heimbecker (Willow Glen) -11:04.95 FAT *** 1980 CCS (4th) Becky Kaiser (Seaside) 11:04.99 FAT 1992 State (9th) Phoung Sites (Fremont) -11:05.05 f [11:08.8] ** 1987 Reg 2 (4th) Katie Voigtlander (Burlingame) 11:05.07 FAT 2006 CCS (2nd) Kelly Ilnecki (Harbor) -11:05.45 f [11:09.2] *** 1984 CCS (3rd) Kat Gregeory (Priory) 11:05.70 FAT * 2011 CCS (6th) Caitlin Roake (Carlmont) 11:05.93 FAT 2006 CCS (3rd) Lori Wilson (Terra Nova) -11:05.95 f [11:09.7] * 1984 Top 8 (2nd) Morgan Lira (Valley Christian) 11:05.99 FAT * 2011 Arcadia (Rt-16th) Ana-Lilia Martinez (King City) 11:06.04 f [11:05.9] 1997 CCS (3rd) Angela Hsu (Monta Vista) 11:06.49 FAT * 2006 Arcadia (Day-5th) Nicole Silva (Aptos) 11:06.77 FAT ** 1993 CCS (2nd) Julianne Hansen (Cupertino) 11:07.15 FAT *** 2004 CCS (5th) Colleen McManus (Blackford) -11:07.24 f [11:11.0] * 1974 Cal-AAU (6th) Connie Buckler (Saratoga) -11:07.34 f [11:11.1] * 1982 Postal (5th) Alison Doniger (Menlo-Atherton) 11:07.37 FAT 2004 CCS (6th) Leanorra Sanchez (Aptos) 11:07.51 FAT *** 2000 Top 8 (2nd) Mary Reynolds (Mtn View) 11:07.70 FAT 2009 Vs LA (1st) Jovita Trujillo (N Monterey) 11:07.89 FAT *** 2007 CCS (5th) Barbara Keener (Hill) -11:08.04 f [11:11.8] ** 1983 Top 8 (1st) Michelle Meyer (Carmel) 11:08.20 FAT 2005 CCS Tr (3rd) Sue Neary (Aptos) -11:08.24 f [11:12.0] 1975 PA Jr Oly (2nd) Janet Bowie (Woodside) 11:08.24 f [11:08.1] * 1987 Reg 2 (3rd) Meg Wright (Homestead) -11:08.53 f [11:12.3] * 1980 SJMN Top Mks Sue Munday (Lincoln) -11:08.63 f [11:12.4] 1976 HW Azusa (4th) 5-09? Rosalinda Castenada (Menlo-Atherton) 11:09.24 FAT * 2000 Top 8 (3rd) Veronica Vazquez (Overfelt) 11:09.62 FAT ** 2003 CCS (4th) Tracy Webber (Lynbrook) -11:09.93 f [11:13.7] ** 1979 CCSAT Monica Daley (Los Gatos) -11:10.22 f [11:14.0] 1986 Top 8 (5th) Annie Adams (Aptos) 11:10.37 FAT * 2003 CCS (5th) Therese Fisher (Los Gatos) -11:10.42 f [11:14.2] *** 1982 Top 8 (5th) Stephanie Hamilton (SLV) 11:10.92 FAT *** 2002 Top 8 (3rd) Julie Castello (Willow Glen) 11:11.84 f [11:11.7] 1986 CCS (4th) Helen Muth (Soquel) -11:11.91 f [11:15.7] * 1982 CCS (6th) Shana Driscoll (St Ignatius) 11:12.28 FAT 1996 CCS (3rd) Tiki Wilcox (Santa Clara) -11:12.51 f [11:16.3] *** 1988 Top 8 (2nd) Jessie Baldwin (Milpitas) 11:12.68 FAT * 2002 OAL (2nd) Deena Adams (Gunderson) -11:12.71 f [11:16.5] ** 1983 Postal (3rd) Joanna Green (Westmont) -11:12.91 f [11:16.7] 1988 Top 8 (3rd) Meghan Hunt (Aptos) 11:13.26 FAT ** 2004 CCS (8th) Laura Hurlbut (Woodside Priory) 11:13.41 FAT * 2000 CCS (6th) Kim Himenes (St Francis) -11:14.00 f [11:17.8] *** 1981 Postal (H2/1st) Michelle Seck (Lynbrook) -11:14.20 f [11:18.0] 1984 CCS (5th) Angela Stearns (Santa Teresa) -11:14.30 f [11:18.1] 1986 Postal (1st) Dierdre Kelly (Mitty) -11:15.39 f [11:19.2] ** 1984 CCS (6th) Paula Foianini (Carlmont) -11:15.89 f [11:19.7] 1980 Postal (2nd) Christy Borak (Menlo-Atherton) 11:16.07 FAT 2002 CCS Tr (9th) Kathleen Bonnet (Saratoga) 11:16.16 FAT *** 1980 CCS (5th) Laura Silva (San Carlos) -11:16.19 f [11:20.0] 1981 CCS (5th) Michelle Meyer (Carmel) 11:16.67 FAT ** 2003 CCS (9th) Christina Diaz (Willow Glen) 11:16.96 FAT *** 2002 CCS Tr (10th) Javiera Trigos (Overfelt) 11:18.14 FAT ? 1991 CCS-S (?) Maureen Farrell (Leigh) 11:18.34 f [11:18.2] 1980 CCS (6th) 11:14.3m where? BH-PENDING MayC Huang (Lynbrook) 11:18.67 FAT *** 2004 CCS Tr (6th) Danielle Dekker (St Ignatius) 11:18.94 f [11:18.8] *** 1993 CCS-N (1st) Reina Felix (Oak Grove) 11:19.14 f [11:19.0] *** 1987 CCS (6th) Jullianne Ballou (Wilcox) 11:19.43 FAT ** 2004 Top 8 (3rd) Lisa Worsham (Monta Vista) 11:19.55 FAT *** 2004 CCS Tr (7th) Kristen Funck (Piedmont Hills) 11:20.43 FAT ** 2000 H/P (3rd) Penny GoldThorpe (Half Moon Bay) -11:20.46 f [11:24.3] ? 1978 Postal (?) Celeste Dunlap (Cupertino) 11:20.54 f [11:20.4] *** 1997 CCS (5th) Lanette Davis (Del Mar) -11:20.66 f [11:24.5] * 1983 Postal (6th) Carrigan Denny-Brown(Burlingame) 11:21.26 FAT ** 1999 CCS (6th) Janet Bowie (Woodside Priory) 11:21.84 f [11:21.7] * 1987 CCS (7th) Carol Mullen (Menlo-Atherton) -11:22.15 f [11:26.0] ? 1980 per Pyanicks-PENDING Tenaya Soderman (Gunn) -11:23.01 FAT 1991 Reg 2 (1st) 10:41.14 WVR (3rd) 3K=11:21.16 Dana Rositano (St Francis) -11:23.05 f [11:26.9] ** 1982 Postal (8th) Ruth Day (Willow Glen) 11:23.14 f [11:23.0] 1982 Reg 3 (3rd) Barbara Gaenslen (Mills) -11:23.55 f [11:27.4] * 1982 Gilroy (1st) Michelle Gallagher (Mercy-Burlingame) 11:23.79 FAT ** 2001 Serra Top 7 (1st) Chole Glare (Menlo-Atherton) 11:23.94 f [11:23.8] * 1999 Top 8 (5th) Debbie Morris (Los Gatos) -11:24.04 f [11:27.9] 1981 per Wharmatz-PENDING Heather Iverson (Willow Glen) 11:24.53 FAT 1995 CCS (6th) Evie Barry (Santa Teresa) 11:24.64 f [11:24.5] * 1988 CCS (5th) Phoung Sites (Fremont) 11:24.64 f [11:24.5] * 1988 CCS Tr (?) Janet Roller (Mtn View) 11:25.24 f [11:25.1] ** 1988 CCS Tr (?) Heather Kuiper (Los Altos) -11:25.53 f [11:29.4] 1985 SCVAL (2nd) Sara Hartman (Los Gatos) 11:26.04 f [11:25.9] *** 1986 CCS (7th) Claire Ryan (Mitty) 11:26.34 f [11:26.2] 1995 Top 8 (3rd) Mary Lucido (Homestead) 11:26.78 FAT *** 1996 CCS (5th) Karen McGough (Mills) -11:27.22 f [11:31.1] * 1982 Gilroy (2nd) Lisa Renteria (Westmont) 11:27.66 FAT ** 1994 Top 8 (2nd) Karen Himenes (St Francis) -11:27.72 f [11:31.6] ** 1982 Postal (VG-1st) Anne Collignon (Leigh) -11:28.22 f [11:32.1] 1979 CCS (7th+) Tracy Bachich (Leigh) -11:28.62 f [11:32.5] ** 1984 Reg 3 (5th) Cynthia Mahaffey (Carlmont) -11:28.72 f [11:32.6] * 1988 Top 8 (6th) Sara Strand (Evertt-Alvarez) 11:28.92 FAT * 1998 CCS Tr (7th) Carla Halford (Leland) -11:29.01 f [11:32.9] 1982 Postal (9th) Jeanette De Moss (Leland) -11:29.11 f [11:33.0] 1984 Top 8 (6th) Amanda Thomberry (Valley Christian) 11:29.22 FAT *** 2000 CCS (10th) JoAnn Arnold (Palo Alto) -11:29.61 f [11:33.5] *** 1985 SCVAL (3rd) Courtney Surdin (Yerba Buena) 11:29.94 f [11:29.8] ** 1994 CCS (5th) Nora Baker (Del Mar) -11:30.11 f [11:34.0] * 1982 WVAL (2nd) Monica Topete (Silver Creek) 11:30.13 FAT *** 1996 CCS (6th) Carrie Burman (Santa Teresa) 11:30.14 f [11:30.0] * 1993 CCS (7th) Martha Luna (Watsonville) -11:30.51 f [11:34.4] 1990 Top 8 (5th) Karen Kwong (Homestead) -11:31.10 f [11:35.0] * 1979 DAL (1st) Elizabeth Mayeda (Aptos) 11:31.25 FAT ** 2000 Top 8 (8th) Angela Sanchez (Capuchino) 11:31.44 FAT ? 2000 PAL (3rd) Mallory Thorton (Los Gatos) 11:31.51 FAT *** 2000 CCS (11th) Anne Kendrick (Wilcox) -11:31.60 f [11:35.5] 1982 Postal (10th) Susan Radford (Seaside) -11:31.70 f [11:35.6] 1982 Gilroy (3rd) Laura Burtness (Gunn) -11:32.10 f [11:36.0] ** 1982 CCS Finals Stephanie Hartman (Los Gatos) 11:32.14 f [11:32.0] *** 1986 CCS (8th) Laura Henry (Los Gatos) -11:32.30 f [11:36.2] 1983 Postal (8th) Tracy Shoemaker (Los Altos) -11:32.31 FAT * 1991 Top 8 (5th) Isabelle Quintero (Watsonville) -11:32.71 FAT * 1991 Top 8 (6th) Sarah High (Los Gatos) 11:32.94 f [11:32.8] 1998 Top 8 (5th) Jeanne Fishback (Los Gatos) 11:33.42 FAT * 1996 CCS (7th) Pam Bragg (Independence) 11:33.54 f [11:33.4] ? 1985 CCS Tr (8th) Karen Bebensee (Westmont) 11:33.73 FAT * 1988 CCS Tr (?) Liz Leigh-Wood (Aptos) 11:33.82 FAT 1993 Top 8 (5th) Eileen Grove (St Ignatius) 11:36.24 f [11:36.1] * 1997 CCS (7th) Marcella Mollinare (Mills) 11:36.31 FAT * 1995 CCS (8th) Helen Wilmot (Leigh) -11:36.37 f [11:40.3] ** 1979 Postal (?) Terry Schniedar (Santa Cruz) -11:36.46 FAT ** 1977 CCS (5th) Sarah McAleer (Los Gatos) 11:36.64 f [11:36.5] ** 1997 Top 8 (6th) Gail Parker (Los Gatos) -11:37.17 f [11:41.1] * 1980 per Wharmatz-PENDING Holly Malander (Los Gatos) 11:37.54 f [11:37.4] *** 1992 K-Bell (?) Harpreet Kaur (Leigh) 11:37.84 f [11:37.7] ** 1985 Reg 3 (5th or 6th) Misty Kalomiros (Los Gatos) 11:38.44 f [11:38.3] 1990 CCS (6th) Lynne Grassi (St Francis) -11:38.56 f [11:42.5] * 1981 Postal (?) Stacy Siegman (Half Moon Bay) -11:38.61 FAT *** 1977 CCS (6th) Janice Bain (Saratoga) -11:38.96 f [11:42.9] * 1982 Postal (VG-2nd) Rachael Wiseman (Mt Pleasant) 11:39.54 FAT ** 1997 CCS-S (3rd) Rebekah Harmer (Mitty) 11:39.61 FAT 1999 CCS (9th) Krista Wendt (Leigh) -11:40.55 f [11:44.5] 1982 Postal (?) Stella Romo (Watsonville) 11:40.64 f [11:40.5] 1988 CCS (8th) Dondi Hart (Homestead) -11:42.24 f [11:46.2] 1982 DAL (4th) Vi Tran (Santa Teresa) 11:42.94 f [11:42.8] 1995 Top 8 (4th) Wendy Huston (Gunn) -11:43.03 f [11:47.0] ** 1979 per Elee-PENDING most likely a dual meet Mona Leon (Gunderson) 11:43.14 f [11:43.0] ? 1991 CCS (7th) Nicole Hodgson (Notre Dame-SJ) 11:43.16 FAT *** 1998 CCS Tr (10th) Thea Roberts (Mitty) -11:43.33 f [11:47.3] ** 1989 Top 8 (4th) Michelle Ruiz (St Francis) 11:44.34 f [11:44.2] 1991 CCS (8th) Rachele Thomas (Leigh) 11:44.84 f [11:44.7] * 1993 CCS-N (5th) Maria Stephens (Los Gatos) -11:45.02 f [11:49.0] 1981 per Wharmatz-PENDING Ruth Hamerton-Kelly (Gunn) -11:45.02 f [11:49.0] 1983 SCVAL (3rd) Aimee Tolan (Notre Dame-Salinas) 11:45.44 f [11:45.3] 1989 CCS (5th) Shanna Skillman (Gilroy) 11:45.74 f [11:45.6] *** 1985 CCS Tr (13th) Sandy Dyche (Santa Clara) 11:45.84 f [11:45.7] 1991 CCS (9th) Jessamyn Conell-Price (Gunn) 11:46.04 f [11:45.9] ** 2000 Top 8 (12th) Hannah Coombe (Carmel) 11:46.17 FAT ** 1999 CCS Tr (8th) Vicky Chappell (Hillsdale) -11:46.21 f [11:50.2] * 1980 Top 8 (2nd) Julia Gordon (St Francis) 11:46.34 f [11:46.2] ** 2000 Top 8 (13th) Stephanie Hovancik (Lynbrook) 11:46.94 f [11:46.8] 1994 CCS (8th) Katya Kazakova (Gunn) 11:47.00 FAT 1998 KBell (4th) Alisa Gammon (Half Moon Bay) 11:47.14 f [11:47.0] *** 1999 Top 8 (9th) Erin Duterte (St Ignatius) 11:48.59 FAT 2000 H/P (5th) Jamie Hughins (Soquel) 11:48.59 FAT ? 2000 SCCAL (4th) Anne Nashimoto (San Mateo) 11:48.64 f [11:48.5] ? 1993 CCS (11th) Cecelia Saleme (Cupertino) -11:48.80 f [11:52.8] ? 1980 Top 8 (4th) Angela Gummow (St Francis) 11:49.04 f [11:48.9] ** 2000 Top 8 (14th) Brenda Montesi (Leigh) -11:49.49 f [11:53.5] *** 1982 Postal Amy Briley (N Monterey) 11:50.14 f [11:50.0] ** 1997 per Dcruz-PENDING Monique Silva (Aptos) 11:51.24 f [11:51.1] 2000 Top 8 (15th) Eliza Gaenger (St Ignatius) 11:51.50 FAT ? 1994 Top 8 (6th) Allison Schmidt (Hollister) 11:51.64 f [11:51.5] *** 2000 Top 8 (16th) Beverly Havner (Del Mar) 11:52.04 f [11:51.9] ** 1998 F/S Top 8 (2nd) Katie MacKinnon (Saratoga) 11:52.24 FAT ** 1982 per Dcruz-PENDING Leah Demarchena (Notre Dame) 11:54.70 FAT ** 2000 N Sub-Sec (10th) Maureen Marquess (St Francis) -11:55.36 f [11:59.4] 2000 Vs LG (1st) Michelle Beritzhoff (Los Gatos) -11:56.45 f [12:00.5] ** 2000 Vs SF (2nd) Johanna Wans (Valley Christian) 11:57.04 f [11:56.9] 1997 per Dcruz-PENDING Please send any additions or corrections to Hank Lawson at HANKLAWTRACK@GMAIL.COM