Replacing a Track Uniform
If you need to replace a Track uniform (top and/or bottom)
you have one of two choices on how to go about this:
1) Make a check out to "Lynbrook ASB" for the appropriate amount and give to ASB Office.
Costs are as follows:
Uniform Bottom (1 pair): $ 30.00
Uniform Top (1 pair): $ 50.00
2) You can take care of it yourself by contacting VenueSports at (800) 676-7463
You will need to supply them with the following information:
a) How you plan on paying for the order (credit card works best)
b) Ship to / Bill to address (I recommend your home address)
c) What you need, size and the quantity (see below for description of items)
Qty* Item # Description Unit Price**
---- ------- ----------------- ----------
1 15058 or 15068 Defiance Singlet (Navy) 23.00
(Male or Female) not sure which item # is which
1 10061 Defiance Short (Navy) 23.00
$ Sales Tax (8.25%)
$8.50 for first item and $.25 for each additional $ Ship & Handling
(Prices subject to change)
* Minimum order of 6 items (so I was told)
** Prices as of 4/27/06 (call for quote)
Contact NBN SPORTS at:
408 275-9448
Ask for Rick Milam
Tell him you need to screen a singlet for the Lynbrook Track Team
(they have the artwork)
Prices will vary based on the volume of work.