Picture Taking Information - Wednesday January 12, 1966

A.  To gym to dress    8:55am
B.  To Student Center  9:10am
C.  Pictures
    1 group picture
    5 individual pictures
      a. Carter
      b. McMahon
      c. Doyle
      d. Faust
      e. the seven who ran in CCS
         (Carter, Doyle, McMahon, Rapson, Gibbs, Faust & Hanson)

D.  IMPORTANT:  1. The awards presentation is Wednesday, January 12, 1966, in
                   the Student Center.  I would like all of you to be there,
                   even managers as you will receive your certificates and two
                   members will receive trophies.  I would like to know who can't
                   attend and also who would like a ride because they have no way
                   of getting here.  The presentations will be very short and will
                   be over early.  Because I will not have time to talk about every
                   individual, I will have the cross country booklet for you with
                   your certificate.

                2. Every year I give a small "surprise" to one of the cross country
                   runners.  This year this "surprise" will be given out just after
                   the pictures are taken Wednesday morning.

                3. For those cross country runners who are not in 1st period 
                   physical education:  would you please inform your 1st period
                   teacher on Tuesday that because you must dress for the pictures
                   and later put on your school clothes, you will not report to
                   their class on Wednesday until at least 9:20.

                   Thanks and lets all be in the pictures.
                   Coach Thornburg