SPAL Finals - 11/15/65
SPAL Cross-Country Championships 11-15-1965 Belmont Heights Course Division: Varsity Weather: Cool with scattered thunder clouds Conditions: Wet and soft Individual Scoring PlaceName School Time 1 Steve McLennegan Cubberley 12:44 2 Dick Hunter Gunn 12:49 3 John Lilly San Carlos 12:49 4 Bob Williams San Carlos 13:04 5 Bill Bradfield Carlmont 13:10 6 Dave Walsh Carlmont 13:14 7 Joe Kisenlauer Cubberley 13:16 8 Terry Kane San Carlos 13:16 9 Gary Montante Carlmont 13:18 10 John Enscoe Palo Alto 13:21 11 Ron White Carlmont 13:24 12 Time Terriberry Sequoia 13:27 13 Mike Dailey Sequoia 13:31 14 Jon Green Carlmont 13:33 15 Bill Zachary San Carlos 13:35 16 Bruce Eaton Carlmont 13:37 17 Dave Parker Palo Alto 13:40 18 Rich Stoddard Gunn 13:41 19 Dan Britts Menlo-Atherton 13:42 20 John Merz Carlmont 13:47 21 Herb Perry Palo Alto 13:50 22 Bob Mallory Menlo-Atherton 13:51 23 Robin Clark Palo Alto 13:51 24 Tom Huntsberger Palo Alto 13:53 25 Steve Garvazza Menlo-Atherton 13:54 26 Rick Terriberry Sequoia 13:57 27 Bill Respini Palo Alto 13:59 28 Bob Garcia San Carlos 14:01 29 Pete Logan Cubberley 14:04 30 Pat Hughas Cubberley 14:15 31 Rich Pess Palo Alto 14:17 32 John Newton Menlo-Atherton 14:18 33 Ken Pisciotto Cubberley 14:21 34 Mark McPherson Cubberley 14:23 35 Al Masaoka Menlo-Atherton 14:25 36 Dennis Chapman Sequoia 14:26 37 Alan Waterman Gunn 14:33 38 Lefty Chell San Carlos 14:34 39 Tim Boege Gunn 14:39 40 Dennis Bianco Sequoia 14:42 41 Rich Bofo Sequoia 14:44 42 Ted Wilson Cubberley 14:52 43 Ed Wills Woodside 15:13 44 Rich Borga Gunn 15:17 45 Charles Aldous Woodside 15:19 46 John Hess Woodside 15:33 47 John Mattson Gunn 15:45 48 Jim Lewis Woodside 16:07 49 Cornell Freeman Woodside 16:49 TEAM SCORES Points Team Time 1 Carlmont (5-6-9-11-14) 45 66:39 2 San Carlos (3-4-8-15-28) 58 66:45 3 Palo Alto (10-17-21-23-24) 95 68:25 4 Cubberley (1-7-29-30-33) 100 68:40 5 Sequoia (12-13-26-36-40) 127 70:02 6 Menlo-Atherton (19-22-25-32-3133 70:10 7 Gunn (2-18-37-39-44) 140 70:59 8 Woodside (43-45-46-48-49) 231 79:01 SPAL Cross-Country Championships 11-15-1965 Belmont Heights Course Division: Junior Varsity Weather: Cool with scattered thunder clouds Conditions: Wet and soft Individual Scoring PlaceName School Time 1 Henry Bradfield Carlmont 13:26 2 Stan Nichols Carlmont 14:06 3 Dennis Morton Cubberley 14:14 4 John Boccio Carlmont 14:16 5 Bill Huolett Palo Alto 14:30 6 Brent Bennetti Carlmont 14:32 7 Bob Neary San Carlos 14:34 8 Greg Moon Carlmont 14:36 9 Bob Shinstra Palo Alto 14:37 10 Louis Merzario Cubberley 14:38 11 Earl Jenkins Carlmont 14:40 12 Jack Crews Palo Alto 14:41 13 Dan Balestrero Carlmont 14:41 14 Parky Hancock San Carlos 14:45 15 Espositto Sequoia 14:52 16 Stan Heap Palo Alto 14:59 17 John Shidler Menlo-Atherton 15:00 18 Geen Magnan Sequoia 15:08 19 Barry Greiss Carlmont 15:12 20 Norm Shaw Palo Alto 15:15 21 Kirk Arnold Palo Alto 15:23 22 Tim Kane San Carlos 15:26 23 Ed Nolan San Carlos 15:28 24 Jerry Hutchison San Carlos 15:29 25 Mike Finnegan San Carlos 15:30 26 Tom Crane San Carlos 15:30 27 Mike Whelan San Carlos 15:38 28 Steve Eding Palo Alto 15:46 29 Jake Wilson Sequoia 15:56 30 Bob Zobel Palo Alto 16:01 31 Jerry Henderson Cubberley 16:03 32 Johsi Bowlen Woodside 16:04 33 Phil DeJaurequi Menlo-Atherton 16:05 34 Bob Kennedy Carlmont 16:05 35 Bob Zachary San Carlos 16:08 36 Rich Lamb Palo Alto 16:11 37 Frank Merrill Menlo-Atherton 16:12 38 Mike Towle Menlo-Atherton 16:14 39 Robin Ringler Cubberley 16:17 40 Mike Van Hill Cubberley 16:19 41 Jim Coulson Carlmont 16:22 42 Craig Abell Carlmont 16:24 43 Dave Barry Palo Alto 16:26 44 Bob Greene Cubberley 16:31 45 Mark Drewick Cubberley 16:31 46 Kallstrom Menlo-Atherton 16:32 47 Ron Bates Carlmont 16:33 48 Rod Paig San Carlos 16:33 49 Grimmond Palo Alto 16:38 50 Stan Ting Sequoia 16:43 51 Doug Taylor Menlo-Atherton 16:44 52 Paul Sanfilipo Sequoia 16:46 53 Marc Meyer Woodside 16:48 54 Lee Barr Sequoia 16:53 55 Jerry Write Palo Alto 17:00 56 Raleigh Klein Palo Alto 17:10 57 Irving Mintzer Cubberley 17:12 58 Larry Myer Palo Alto 17:15 59 Brian Connell Palo Alto 17:15 60 Fritz Fehbein Menlo-Atherton 17:21 61 Bill Ambrosio Cubberley 17:23 62 John Richards Cubberley 17:27 63 Ted Aune Sequoia 17:36 64 Dave Arocha Sequoia 17:47 65 Bill Ferry San Carlos 17:51 66 Harry Holland Woodside 17:53 67 Jeff Chan Cubberley 18:05 68 Tom Louehard Palo Alto 18:20 69 Jack Barbein Palo Alto 18:22 70 Eric Carlile Menlo-Atherton 18:28 71 Robin Hood Woodside 18:30 72 Jim Grove Menlo-Atherton 18:32 73 Jim F'sberg San Carlos 18:32 74 Keven Enomoto Woodside 18:45 75 Dennis Durkin San Carlos 19:37 76 Dave Camkell San Carlos N.T. TEAM SCORES Points Team Time 1 Carlmont (1-2-4-6-8) 21 71:16 2 Palo Alto (5-9-12-16-19) 61 74:02 3 San Carlos (7-14-21-22-23) 87 75:42 4 Cubberley (3-10-28-33-34) 108 77:31 5 Sequoia (15-18-27-38-40) 138 79:25 6 Menlo-Atherton (17-30-31-32-3147 80:03 7 Woodside (29-41-45-46-47) 208 98:00 SPAL Cross-Country Championships 11-15-1965 Belmont Heights Course Division: Sophomore Weather: Cool with scattered thunder clouds Conditions: Wet and soft Individual Scoring PlaceName School Time 1 Dan Light Carlmont 13:53 2 Chris Carey Carlmont 13:58 3 Jackson Williams Sequoia 14:17 4 Steve Stradley Carlmont 14:24 5 Tim Blum Carlmont 14:32 6 Dean Kataoka San Carlos 14:35 7 Bob Stafford Sequoia 14:37 8 Pat Carey Carlmont 14:40 9 Bob Hillhouse Palo Alto 14:44 10 Chris Crowell Carlmont 14:48 11 Randy King Carlmont 14:51 12 Mike Rugge Carlmont 14:53 13 Steve Macres Cubberley 15:07 14 Duane Hill Cubberley 15:08 15 Jim Ralston Sequoia 15:10 16 Bill Cleary San Carlos 15:15 17 Bob Logan Cubberley 15:21 18 Steve Fishel San Carlos 15:36 19 Marty Potuchek Sequoia 15:39 20 Mike Scott San Carlos 15:48 21 Bob Rochek San Carlos 16:02 22 Wayne Chenn Cubberley 16:16 23 Greg McNear San Carlos 16:18 24 Jim Fause Sequoia 16:26 25 Mike Kranzler Palo Alto 16:27 26 Ron Laran San Carlos 16:33 27 Jim Robinson San Carlos 16:53 28 Derek Popaduke San Carlos 16:55 29 Wayne Balinis Carlmont 16:56 30 Chris Daubert Carlmont 17:09 31 Steve Giganti Sequoia 17:21 32 Gary Unze San Carlos 17:40 33 Arnold Turner Menlo-Atherton 17:53 34 Bill Springhorn Cubberley 18:00 35 Phil Miner Menlo-Atherton 18:09 36 Wattenberg Sequoia 18:18 37 Cliff Harmon Cubberley 19:11 TEAM SCORES Points Team Time 1 Carlmont (1-2-4-5-8) 20 71:27 2 Sequoia (3-7-13-17-21) 61 76:09 3 San Carlos (6-14-16-18-20) 74 77:46 4 Cubberley (11-12-15-19-24) 81 81:03 SPAL Cross-Country Championships 11-15-1965 Belmont Heights Course Division: Freshman Weather: Cool with scattered thunder clouds Conditions: Wet and soft Individual Scoring PlaceName School Time 1 Austin Kennedy Carlmont 14:25 2 Eddie Mendoza Carlmont 14:28 3 Mark Allen Carlmont 14:51 4 Carl Kanbergs San Carlos 15:01 5 Roberto Rivera Carlmont 15:21 6 Ernie Trevino Menlo-Atherton 15:29 7 Brad Carvey Carlmont 15:34 8 Frank Morris San Carlos 15:38 9 Bob Crane San Carlos 15:41 10 Lex Fletcher Carlmont 15:53 11 Dan Shiells San Carlos 16:00 12 Bill Burley Carlmont 16:11 13 Gordon Krengel Menlo-Atherton 16:12 14 Fred May San Carlos 16:13 15 Glenn Pederson San Carlos 16:14 16 Phil Ashford San Carlos 16:20 17 Tom Anderson Carlmont 16:27 18 Bob Anglin Carlmont 16:32 19 Craig Pederson San Carlos 16:39 20 Mark Montgomery San Carlos 16:42 21 Phil Masaoka Menlo-Atherton 16:59 22 Jim O'Donnall Menlo-Atherton 17:08 23 Les Cass Menlo-Atherton 17:25 24 Steve Block San Carlos 17:42 25 Bill Bud Carlmont 17:45 26 Gordon Floodeen San Carlos 17:55 27 Dave Kallstrom Menlo-Atherton 18:44 28 Jeff Carlile Menlo-Atherton 18:46 29 Dave Evans Sequoia 18:53 30 Lauren Simons Sequoia 19:00 31 John Arnolfo San Carlos N.T. 32 Bill Eggers Sequoia N.T. TEAM SCORES Points Team Time 1 Carlmont (1-2-3-5-7) 18 74:39 2 San Carlos (4-8-9-11-14) 46 78:33 3 Menlo Atherton (6-13-17-18-1973 83:13