Sample Letters

NorCal Meet Proposal & Background - 1978

The following is a summary of a letter from Plato Yanicks of Menlo-Atherton High School and chairman of the "All Northern California Cross Country Team" to the CCS cross-country coaches representatives meeting at Lynbrook, April 18, 1978: "A RATIONALE FOR HAVING THE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP MEET" History of All Northern California individual selections: In 1962 the Northern California Track & Field Association asked that the high school coaches select an all Northern California Honor team. The NCT&FA would sponsor an awards night for the deserving athletes in each of six Northern California Sections. This practice has continued to the present day with one change -- Citizens Savings contributes certificates while the NCT&FA contributes "T" shirts. As cross-country has grown in popularity and prestige over the years, it has become increasingly difficult to select the team fairly. A Northern California championship meet would help to bring the top runners of each section together at one time and solve the problem of selecting a fair All Northern California team. Precedent for Post Section Meets already set: The National Postal 2.0 and 3.0 championships have been staged after the section meet many times since the 1960's. This meet involves runners from all Northern California sections and has official CIF sanction. This meet has been held as late as December 7. The Northern California Regional Championship that we are asking for will fall on the weekend of Thanksgiving vacation. There will be no time lost from school! Precedent for the Northern California Regional Champioships: In 1958 or 1959, a meet of this type was held in the Merced area. It was a success but unfortunately was stopped the next year because of lack of CIF sanction. Regional Champiosnships - Stepping Stone to a State Meet: Cross-Country, like wrestling and track, lends itself to a one-day meet and could easily be administered for a Regional or State Championship Meet. Expenses would be minimal. There would be no time lost away from school and the meet could be administered in two to three hours. I have received many letters from coaches throughout the six Northern California sections and have talked to many coaches. All the coaches I have talked to are in favor of a Northern California Cross Country Regional and State Championship. We plan to hold the meet at the Crystal Springs Course in the Belmont water shed area. Belmont is centrally located within four to six hours away from the farthest competing school. The course is wide enough to host approximately 130 runners and was the site of a recent National AAU Cross Country Championship. ***************************************************************************
DATE: Saturday, November 25, 1978 at Crystal Springs, Belmont, California If it is postponed because of weather, the Meet will be held on Saturday, December 2, 1978. If the Meet is not run on that date, it will be cancelled. SPONSOR: Central Coast Section with the co-meet directors being Plato Yanicks of Menlo-Atherton High School and Verne Thornburg of Lynbrook High school. ENTRIES: There will be one race for boys and one race for girls. The following will be invited: Cenreal Coast Section - 3 teams and 9 individuals Northern Section - 1 team and 3 individuals North Coast Section - 3 teams and 9 individuals Oakland Section - 1 team and 3 indivduals Sac-Joaquin Section - 3 teams and 9 individuals San Francisco Section - 1 team and 9 individuals Total: Boys & Girls - 12 teams and 36 individuals, each ENTRY FEE: $2.00 per individual with a complete team of seven runners being $14.00. This is to be paid to the CCS prior to the Meet. AWARDS: Team Trophies - Boys & Girls (2) Perpetual Trophies - Boys & Girls (2) T-Shirts (Top 3 Teams) - Boys & Girls (42) Medals (Top 15 finishers) - Boys & Girls (30) All-Northern California consideration (not automatic) INCOME: Entry Fees - $2.00 per runner . . . . . $480.00 EXPENSES: Team Trophies - $35.00 each . . . . . $ 70.00 Perpetual Trophies - Donated . . . . . . . -0- T-Shirts - $3.00 each . . . . . . . . . . 126.00 Medals - $3.00 each . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 Course Prep and Clean-up . . . . . . 50.00 Postage and Supplies . . . . . . . 65.00 Meet Director Expense Stipend . . . . . 50.00 Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.00 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $480.00 ***************************************************************************



408/374-5710 To: Section Cross Country Committee From: Larry Rice Date: April 18, 1978 Re: Active support of NorCal Region Cross Country Championship Gentleman, In order to meet an extremely tight time line and in hopes of getting step-by-step approval for the concept, each of you has a sales job to do within your league. The Following is the schedule of steps for approval: April 18 - Committe approval of concept April 19 - 21 - Explain concept to all Cross Country coaches in your league. Get their active support. April 19 - May 10 - Each Cross Country Coach get to his own Principal, explain concept and details, get Principal's support. Principal's get League support (formally or informally) through each League Board of Managers. May 11 - CCS Board of Mangers consideration of the concept. If approved, get on agenda for June 1, CIF meeting. May 11 - June 1 - Sales job by Cross Country Committee, other Commissioners, CIF Federated Council members. June 1 - CIF Federated Council consideration. The following are the tentative details. Make any changes which this Committee has made in tonights discussion. Meet: Northern California Regional Cross Country Championships. Date: November 25, 1978 (Postponement date: December 2, 1978 - cancelled if rained out on both dates.) Place: Crystal Springs Course, Belmont, Calif. Participants: Northern, North Coast, San Francisco, Oakland, Central Coast, Sac-Joaquin Sections. Entries: Top team plus 3 individuals - Northern, SF, Oakland. Top 3 teams plus 9 individuals - North Coast, Central Coast, Sac-Joaquin. Both Boys and Girls Divisions - 240 runners. Entry Fees: $2.00 per runner paid to CCS prior to Meet. Awards: Team Trophies - Boys and Girls (2) Perpetual Trophies - Boys and Girls (2) T-Shirts - Top 3 Teams - Boys and Girls (42) Medals - Top 15 Finishers - Boys and Girls (30) All-Northern California consideration (not automatic) Income: Entry Fees - $2.00 per runner $480.00 Expenses: Team Trophies - $35.00 ea. 70.00 Perpetual Trophies - Donated -0- T-Shirts - $3.00 ea 126.00 Medals - $3.00 ea 90.00 Course Prep and clean-up 50.00 Postage and Supplies 65.00 Meet Director Expense Stipend 50.00 Reserve 29.00 TOTAL $480.00 LR:lb
*************************************************************************** April 21, 1978 TO: Representatives to the Central Coast Section Board of Managers FROM: Agenda Item on the May 11, 1978 CCS Board of Managers Meeting Last Tuesday evening, the CCS Cross Country Coaches Committee voted to recommend to the Central Coast Section Board of Managers that the Central Coast Section sponsor a "Northern California Regional Cross Country Championship Meet" at Crystal Springs in Belmont on Saturday, November 25, 1978. This item will appear on the agenda of the CCS Board of Managers Meeting on May 11, 1978. I am asking you to place on your Board of Managers Meeting agenda or poll your league manager members concerning this item, so that you, as representatives of your league, will have the views of your league before voting on this item at the CCS meeting. I have included a paper on the rationale (see above) for the Meet as expressed by Plato Yanicks of Menlo-Atherton High School and a Meet Information Bulletin. I would like to add the following concerning this Meet. I believe that Plato Yanicks and his committee have worked very hard through the years to pick a representative team and it is becoming more difficult each year. In a sport which doesn't receive a great deal of publicity, the presentation of certificates and "T" shirts from his committee means a great deal to the winners, their parents and their school. I hope that the committee will be able to continue their presentations and with a Meet of this type, their difficult job would be easier. This type meet would be very helpful to Northern California distance runners because, at the present time, we just do not have the competition in each section that the Southern or San Diego Sections have. I was fortunate to see the only NorCal Cross Country Meet held in Merced years ago, and it was an outstanding event. The type of competition that this meet would provide, would be good for distance running and spectators alike. Over the past ten years, several other schools (Alameda High School) have tried for a similar type meet but for various reasons the CIF failed to sanction them. However, these efforts occurred long before the CIF allowed expansion of competition as they have in recent years. The proposed Meet will not interfere with school time and will keep well within the budget indicated. With this Meet on the Saturday following the CCS Section meet with Thanksgiving in between, I don't believe that we are expanding the season to the point of interfering with winter sports. In talking with coaches and runners from various parts of the state, I believe that Plato has underestimated the enthusiasm for such an event in Northern California. I would like you to talk with your own Cross Country Coach about this agenda item. Please feel free to call me concerning any questions you may have. Verne Thornburg Cross Country Coach, Lynbrook High School 408-735-6463 ***************************************************************************