August 5, 1998

Hello Fellow Runner,

	Two months down and one to go.  Let me fill you in on my summer before 
we get down to business.  Started it off by playing in the Orchestra (bass) of 
Cinderella which both my daughters were in.  Lynbrook freshman to-be Paul 
Niedermaier played the drums with me.  Then I decided to get in shape for the 
Corporate Nationals to be held in Santa Barbara.  I was to HJ / LJ so I got up 
to 4'10" and cleared 5'0" but hit the bar on my way down (during practice).  I 
then proceeded to sprain my ankle two weeks before the meet.  HJ was now out 
so after a week off I started jogging 2 miles a day.  The meet saw me PR in 
the discus (69'6") the shot (23'2") and do a 14'4" Long Jump.  Oh yes, I did 
run too, a 1200 (3:59) and a 800 (2:26, which I was real happy about).  I came 
back an ran a 5:20.7 mile at the Los Gatos All Comer meet.  Mark your calendar 
for Aug. 13 at Los Gatos (the last meet), we're all going to run the 1500 
meters which goes off around 7:00.  I suggest being there by 6:30 at the last 
and bring $3 to get in.  On the 6th we leave for Idaho for 5 days, then back 
home for 5 days then gone again to the Sierra's for 6 days.  That will 
hopefully allow me time to get in shape so I can run with everyone on the 
24th.  Which brings me to...

	We start X-C training on Aug. 24th at 9:30 (we meet at the football shed 
out by the basketball courts).  We'll start off with an easy 3 miles (7 miles 
for you doing the 300 mile club) that day and then work our way up from there.  
By the end of the season, you'll be able to run 9 miles in the hills without 
breaking a sweat.  We'll have our standard Pizza Party (I know, we missed it 
last year), Rallye Run, Hash Run, Ice Cream Run, and some others I hope.  You 
need to have your HEALTH CARDS in before you can OFFICIALLY run for the team.  
So please get your packet and get your physical ASAP.  Our first meet will be 
the Lynbrook Inter squad race on Tue Sept. 10th with our next one on Sept. 
14th over at Del Mar.  So, try to start getting it shape ASAP.  If not, we'll 
just use those races as workouts and a chance to get to know each other.

	Mrs. P. will be back once again as our coach.  She too has been busy 
traveling around and will be doing some more during the weeks to come.  We met 
earlier this summer and came up with some plans and ideas which we're going to 
try out on everyone this year (don't you just love being guinea pigs?).  If 
you don't know her, make a point to meet her.  She'll be running with us also 
once fall decides to show up.

	The house is done which we're all happy about.  It's been a loooooong 4 
years since we first broke ground.  Enjoy the rest of your summer, I know I 
will.  But don't forget to run ... run ... run.

Hank Lawson	446-9063 hm		699-2237 pgr