Age: 14
Grade: Freshman
Personal: Lives in San Jose with her father, mother and brother, who's a junior at Lynbrook.
Accomplishments: Volunteering for the Organization for Special Needs Families. Christina works with children and teaches them fine motor skills through physical exercise and art. ``I learn to interact with children with special needs, and I enjoy seeing the children make progress every time I see them,'' Christina said. She is on the Lynbrook varsity cross-country team and the junior varsity basketball team.
Role model: Her parents. ``They are active volunteers and set good examples for my brother and I to follow.''
Hero: Lance Armstrong. ``He came back from battling cancer and went on to win four Tour de France titles.''
Hobbies: Playing basketball, running, tennis and chatting online.
What's next: ``I hope to volunteer for OSF until I graduate from high school, do well in school and sports, and maybe when I grow up become a physical education teacher.''
-- May Chow