Remembering Mr. Loren L. Lansberry
U. S. Marine
Teacher - Coach
Carlmont High School Faculty Member 1956 - 1988
2002 San Mateo County Sports Hall of Fame |
LOREN LANSBERRY July 27, 1928 - November 17, 2005
Coach Loren Lansberry dies - The Legend Goes On
Lansberry had a distinguished 32 year career coaching Carlmont High
School (Belmont, CA) track and cross country teams. Those students who
were fortunate to know Coach Lansberry, learned more than athletics
from him. They learned to dance, run hills, to climb mountains, and
develop leadership skills. More importantly, being on his teams,
created devotion, loyalty, team work, discipline and top performances.
Loren was born in Oregon City, Oregon. He attended Seward H.S., Seward,
Alaska, in his senior year, then went on to the University of Alaska
and San Jose State where he also participated in a Marine Officers
Training Program. While in Alaska, he was a Brakeman on the Alaska
Railroad, in the Forest Service, and a commercial fisherman. Loren will
be fondly remembered and deeply missed by family, friends, and former
students. He is survived by his devoted wife of 55 years, Barbara,
loving children, Mark, Cynthia Frank, son-in-law, Pharaoh Frank,
daughter Teri Simas, son-in-law, Ken Simas. A celebration of Loren's
life will be held next year.
Published in the San Mateo County Times on 12/3/2005. |
Mr. Lansberry
was a TEACHER first, and a coach second. His mountaineering PE classes
were very popular, demanding, and appealed to a wide range of students.
Mr. Lansberry defined what a track program should look like. He
built Carlmont into a track powerhouse that lasted for years. His
dedication and oft times single mindedness set the standard for track
in the NCS, and then the CCS. - Terry Stogner
In addition to coaching and teaching PE, Loren was also a teacher
in the Carlmont Social Studies Department. His coaching philosophy
came from his background as a U. S. Marine and he was a spokesperson
for the “No pain, no gain” style of coaching. He also
initiated mountaineering and rock climbing classes at Carlmont.
Do you remember the rocks glued on the walls of the gym? Insurance
was always an issue and he eventually had to give up the program,
One of his climbers Ron Kauk, a nephew of Bob Kauk, came to be recognized
as one of the best climbers in the world. - Dr. Bob Hunter
And who can forget Mr. Lansberry’s ballroom dancing class!!! - George Metropulos, Class of 1974
thought it was funny when during ballroom dancing class, after playing
various classical pieces, Mr. Lansberry put on "Like a Virgin" by
Madonna to teach us the cha-cha. I thought that was very
open-minded of him! ~ Katie Glasspool, Class of '88
I can remember about coach Lansberry was his ability to evaluate
talent, to see something in you, you don't see in yourself. I remember
when he told me that I should run the 440-yard dash and the mile relay.
I was so upset because I thought I was a 100-yard dash man. He knew
that I could best help the team by running those events. My relay team
went on to be undefeated that year. The man was stern, but honest and
fair. -- Semper Fi Coach Lansberry - James Simmons , Class of 1985, Former Marine Sergeant
have I ever had a person that could bring out the best in me like Coach
Lansberry. Thank you and you will always be my favorite coach.- Dave McHuron class of '61.
Semper Fi. From one Marine to another. - Gene Bailard, Ph.D., San Carlos, California, Carlmont Scots '63
Lansberry had a deep and lasting and positive impact on hundreds,
perhaps thousands, of young men and women who grew up on the
mid-Peninsula. I learned something valuable from Coach: To succeed, you
don't have to be the best; you just have to contribute to the team the
best you can and help the team succeed. I was never one of the fastest,
but when running for Coach Lansberry I always felt like a winner. -- On
behalf of everybody who ran, climbed, danced and learned under the eye
of Coach Loren Lansberry - thank you. - Clint O'Conner, Cross-country and track, '72-'76
a transfer student from Seattle in 1959, I was overwhelmed by my new
school, new state and new home. The most familiar thing to me was
running track..this was the same circle and challenges.
Lansberry welcomed an experienced hurdler to his team and made me feel
like I belonged. He also made me work harder than I had before, as
competition was stonger in California as well. I ran hurdles for Loren
for the three years I was at Carlmont, usually the second best hurdler
in NCS, the first was always a teammate, Jim Goerke, Al Rockwell, and
my still great friend, Bob Sawyer. I left Carlmont for college and then
spent a few years in the service. The determination that Coach
Lansberry instilled in me, probably saved mine and a number of my
soldiers lives in combat… Of all the peole I have met and owe thanks
too, I am most sorry never to have had the occaision to tell Loren
Lansberry his impact on me. However, I think he knew… Ron Tredway-Class
of 1962 Coach Lansberry encouraged my talents and made me feel that I
could always improve. His patience and guidance on the 1970 Scots track
team will always be fondly remembered by the over 100 students that
were on that team--including his son Mark. It was a great time, and
Coach Lansberry had much to do with that. - Jerry Griffin, Class of 1970
How can I forget Coach Landsberry. Two words: Hill Run.
back 20 years, I'd never have guessed that those greuling runs through
the hills in Belmont would start me on a sport that lasted this far in
my life. I'm an avid runner thanks to Coach Landsberry. - Lawrence Turner
My freshman year was spent recovering from first period PE with Mr.
Lansbury. "Run the Hills", "The Grinder", and various loop
descriptions were all synonomous with 1st period PE. I was always
late for 2nd period math with Mr. Usher, (another great guy).
I guess they can discuss that in detail now. So what
they taught us was never give up, keep trying and push push push.
To this day I am a reborn runner and think of that freshman year with
fond memories of running in the rain and mud, showing up late for math
class and of course falling asleep each night at 7:00. That
experience also taught me a valuable lesson, join the swim team! - Dan Bobay, Class of 73
Lansberry was as instrumental to Carlmont Track & Field as he was
to me individually. Sure his "no pain, no gain" gave us the
stamina and skills to crush our opponents, but it was his ability to
convey the importance of persistence and teaming that brought out the
best in all of us. We were kids and needed the hard impact
straight talk from Mr. Lansberry that I now look back on and realize
helped shape my life. A hard Marine mountaineering exterior with
an understanding and caring interior...ah, how sweet it was to be on
the Carlmont Track & Field team with Mr. Lansburry. - Bill Wright, Class of '80
Coach Lansberry was certainly inspirational during my days of Cross Country and Track and Field. He will surely be missed. - Paul Dempster ’72, Pole Vault
My PE Teacher in my Sophomore and Junior years at Carlmont, 1977 and 1978. A very good man indeed. God Bless Him. - Dennis Brown, Carlmont High School, Class of 1979
had the fortune of being in Mr. Lansberry's Mountaineering II, which
was comprised of the more experienced climbers/hikers. What a
tremendous man - back as a 16/17 year old, we thought he was corny
and old fashioned, but as I became an adult I realized what he taught
was wisdom and values. How I wish I could tell him now what an
honor it was to have learned from him.
like to take this opportunity to add to his legend. In June of
our senior year, our Mountaineering II class took a final backpacking
trip to the Sierras. Our class was split into two groups, with
each heading to a different mountain summit as the goal; these
peaks were several miles apart. Mr. Lansberry set off on his own,
telling us he'd try to keep an eye on us. Neither group had a set
itinerary nor set campsites - the only plan was to climb the mountain,
and meet back at the bus three days later. None of us slept in
tents, since we packed light, and the weather was fine, so we slept in
the open. During this trip, I woke up early every morning
at 6; I usually sat up in my sleeping bag, watched the sun rise
and took in the fresh air, then waited to awaken the others
at 8 AM so we could hike while the snow was firm. After we
climbed the peak and got back to the bus, Mr. Lansberry smiled at me
and said, "Boy, you wake up very early, Emory. We saw you
contemplating." How he tracked us, and watched our group that
early, and without being seen, I'll never know. He was a giant of
a man. - Emory Fong, M.D., Class of 1975
Lansberry was by far the best PE teacher and coach Carlmont ever had.
He taught his students (like me) to repect ourselves and our bodies. He
was TOUGH but always, always, fair. He is a teacher I remember fondly
even after all these years.
was a high school Dweeb. A nerd was at least smart. I was a slow
learner, too skinny, had thick glasses, poor posture "bad" heart, and
low self esteem. Mr. Lansberry's PE classes required off campus runs. I
discovered that I was very good at these runs. For me, they were stress
relievers, self-esteem boosters, and my
health improved. Further, Mr. Lansberry once told
me to try out for the Cross Country Track Team! (My MD told me no). I
regret this to this day.
If we had more teachers like Mr. Lansberry in the schools, teaching his way we would not have an obesity and laziness problem with our young people.
May you rest in peace, Mr. Lansberry. You were one of the best. God Bless. - Wendy Elise Crow (Richmond), Class of 1983
what a bummer! Mr. Lansbury was one of the kindest teachers that I had
at Carlmont, and definitely gave me an appreciation for running!! Who
can ever forget those torturous "HILL RUNS" every Tuesday and
Thursday?? His "BALLROOM DANCING" was a total kick, and to this day, I
still love Ballroom dancing!! He will be missed greatly, by former
students, and future ones also - Trish Barringer-Beebe, Class of 1983
He was definitely my favorite coach. When
he saw me running in one of his PE classes during my freshman year, he
immediately pulled me out of regular PE and put me on the track
team. No pain, no gain was definitely his philosophy during track
practice, and he showed me I could push myself farther than I thought
was possible. I believe that is what has stuck with me the most
over the years, thanks coach! - Chad Morrison class of ‘90
Lansberry was by far the best PE teacher and coach Carlmont ever had.
He taught his students (like me) to repect ourselves and our bodies. He
was TOUGH but always, always, fair. He is a teacher I remember fondly
even after all these years.
Send your remembrances to the Carlmont webmaster, to be posted here. |