Post SCVAL XC Season Evaluation Meeting


November 27, 2006

Wilcox High School 4PM

1. Attendees:

The following coaches attended the meeting:

Paul Armstrong-Cupertino Walt Van Zant-Wilcox Tom Newman-Los Gatos

Bridget Hall-Milpitas Julie L’Heureux-Santa Clara Evan Smith-Mt.View

Paul Jones-Palo Alto Hank Lawson-Lynbrook Kenrick Sealy-Homestead

Peter Jordan-Saratoga Ernie Lee-Gunn Uko-Los Altos

Pat Kitson-Fremont Monica Townsend-Los Gatos

Matt McGinn, the AD liaison for cross country, also attended the meeting.

2. League Meet Team Winners:

Congratulations to Gunn, who won the team championships for all of the

El Camino divisions except varsity girls, Los Gatos, who won the team

championships for all of the DAL divisions except the FS boys, Mt.View,

who won the El camino varsity girls, and Monta Vista, who won the DAL FS

boys team championship.

3. CCS Finals:

Congratulations to the Homestead and Monta Vista boys, who finished 4th

and 5th in division 1, the Los Gatos, Gunn, Santa Clara, Mt.View, and Palo

Alto boys , who finished 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 8th in division 2, the

Cupertino and Saratoga boys, who finished 6th and 9th in division 3, the

Monta Vista and Homestead girls, who finished 3rd and 4th in division 1,

the Los Gatos, Gunn, Mt.View, and Palo Alto girls, who finished 1st, 2nd,

3rd, and 6th in division 2, and the Saratoga girls, who finished 2nd in

division 3. 12 of our 14 boys teams and 11 of our 14 girls teams qualified

for the CCS meet.

Congratulations individually to Simon Bill, who finished 8th in the

division 1 boys race, Matthew Petrillo, Phillip MacQuitty, Kindu Ejigu,

Robbie Reid, Andy Burich, Jon Berthet, and Vince Rodriguez, who finished

1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, and 10th in the division 2 boys race, Brad

Jacobs, who finished 7th in the division 3 boys race, Jean Feng and Emily

Evans, who finished 7th and 9th in the division 1 girls race, Allegra

Mayer, Mary Reynolds, Kael Townsend, Alice Ivanhoe, Joanne Reid, Erin

Fabris, and Jill Goodwin, who finished 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, and

10th in the division 2 girls race, and Sumika Shiokawa and Katie Nast, who

finished 5th and 10th in the division 3 girls race..

Two boys and four girls teams qualified for the State Meet.

4. State Meet:

The Los Gatos girls and Los Gatos boys were our top teams at the State

meet, finishing 6th and 7th in division 2. The Gunn boys finished 21st in

the division 2 boys race, the Gunn and Mt.View girls finished 17th and 18th

in the division 2 girls race, and Saratoga finished 15th in the division 3

girls race. Vince Rodriguez was our fastest boy with a 16:01 and Kaela

Townsend was our fastest girl at 18:46.

5. Comments Regarding the League Finals:

All agreed that Evan Smith and Jeff Payne did an excellent job of directing

our league finals this year.

The directors for our meet next year will be Los Altos and Fremont.

We considered whether we should start the league finals an hour later next

year because it will still be Daylight Savings Time at the time of the

league finals. This will mean that most of the students can stay in class

an hour later. However, it will also mean that the Santa Clara and Wilcox

students will be at the meet an hour earlier because they must leave at

12:30 because of bus scheduling conflicts. We had a tied vote on whether

to delay the meet an hour. Thus, the motion did not pass. However, we

will reconsider this issue at our pre-season meeting next year.

It was proposed that we hire an outside service to prepare the league

finals results. Bob Rush is willing to do this for $900 for the two

leagues. Tony Nunes, the league commissioner, has said that the league

office cannot afford to pay this amount. We had a lengthy discussion

regarding this issue, including comments that we ask the commissioner

for $300 rather than $900 and ask the schools to individually contribute

the remaining amount and the comment that we determine whether we can get a

better price from someone other than Bob Rush. There was much sentiment

for having Rush do the timing because he has contributed so much of his

time to the Crystal Springs course. All coaches except the Wilcox coach

voted to pursue the issue of having an outside service time the race and

prepare the results.

6. Comments Regarding The CCS Meet:

The meet was well run but there were a few complaints. One coach was told

at the entry gate that he had to pay to get into the meet. So, he did pay.

He later was told that coaches did not have to pay and did get his money


Apparently, the CCS bulletin stated that t-shirts could be obtained at the

CCS office up to two days prior to the meet. One coach drove to the CCS

office on the Wednesday prior to the meet only to discover that the shirts

had already been sent to Salinas. When, this coach arrived at the CCS meet

on Saturday at 11AM. He was told that they were out of small and medium

shirts. The coaches recommended that more small and medium shirts be

purchased because XC runners tend to be smaller.

7. Comments Regarding the State Meet:

The coaches would like to receive one free program for the meet.

The coaches would like to have the wearing of spandex and ribbon rules be

clarified so that the coaches know exactly what is expected. Apparently,

ribbons are not allowed if they are not holding the hair in place but are

merely decorative in that they are attached to another hair item that

actually holds the hair in place.

More toilet paper is needed as they ran out part way through the meet.

Many coaches feared shaking hands with their friends late in the meet.

The coaches were given a ticket to obtain results for one race at the meet.

However, there were separate results for individuals and teams for each

race. Therefore, coaches had to choose which results they wanted and then

pay for the other results. The coaches did not feel that this was


8. By-Law Changes:

Several by-law changes were recommended by the coaches at our post-season

meeting last year. The league representative spoke to the league

commissioner regarding these proposals about a week ago and was told that

none were approved by the SCVAL Board of Managers. The commissioner stated

that none of the changes were necessary. Comments by Nunes regarding these

proposals follows:

We do not have to state in the by-laws a scrimmage number limitation

because scrimmages count as a meet as part of the overall meet limitation

rule. So, there is no point in limiting the number of scrimmages.

Nunes stated that it is not necessary to state the 10 limitation for the FS

boys race at the league finals in the by-laws because the coaches can make

this decision on their own without a limitation being stated in the by-

laws. Section 2 of Article 4 does state a limitation for the varsity


Nunes does not believe that adding "mandatory" in section 4 of article 3

makes the spirit of this provision any clearer. It is obvious that summer

practices must be voluntary.


9. Honor Coaches:

Ernie Lee of Gunn was voted the honor coach for the boys and Monica

Townsend for the girls.

10.Other Items
