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DyeStat Elite
2001 Outdoor

2001 Outdoor



High School

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9/8/01 at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Great Race
of the
Great Bay



 Team Results

              1. Mountain View HS-Orem-UT         1,   2,   3,   4,   6 = 16

              2. San Ramon Valley H.S.-Danville   5,   8,  10,  12,  15 = 50

              3. West Torrance HS-Torrance-CA     9,  11,  17,  19,  22 = 78

              4. St. Ignatius-San Francisco-CA   13,  18,  20,  21,  23 = 95

              5. King HS-Riverside-CA            14,  30,  33,  34,  37 = 148

              6. Half Moon Bay HS-CA             35,  38,  40,  41,  42 = 196

              7. Archbishop Mitty HS-San Jose-C  31,  32,  48,  49,  50 = 210

              8. Marin Academy-San Rafael-CA     36,  39,  44,  47,  51 = 217

   1.   891 Steve Handy          Jr Mountain View HS-Orem-UT     17:20.6     1

   2.   896 Bryan Wilson         Jr Mountain View HS-Orem-UT     17:30.8     2

   3.   894 Dave Shumway         Jr Mountain View HS-Orem-UT     17:33.4     3

   4.   893 Jared Keller         So Mountain View HS-Orem-UT     17:43.2     4

   5.  1150 Scott Bauhs          So San Ramon Valley H.S.-Da     17:43.7     5

   6.   890 Jordan Glazier       Jr Mountain View HS-Orem-UT     17:54.8     6

   7.   892 Chad Horton          So Mountain View HS-Orem-UT     18:07.4     7

   8.  1149 Jeff Atwood          Jr San Ramon Valley H.S.-Da     18:24.4     8

   9.  1336 Tetlo Emmen          Sr West Torrance HS-Torranc     18:44.0     9

  10.  1148 Justin Arnold        So San Ramon Valley H.S.-Da     18:44.6    10

  11.  1340 Ryan Ung             So West Torrance HS-Torranc     18:46.5    11

  12.  1154 Paul Tomeo           Jr San Ramon Valley H.S.-Da     18:47.3    12

  13.  1271 Joseph Sciarrillo    Sr St. Ignatius-San Francis     18:48.9    13

  14.   616 Adam Pritchard       So King HS-Riverside-CA         18:51.2    14

  15.  1153 Jonathan Rihel       Jr San Ramon Valley H.S.-Da     18:55.6    15

  16.  1152 Bj Kirk              Sr San Ramon Valley H.S.-Da     18:58.0    16

  17.  1342 Andy Viton           Jr West Torrance HS-Torranc     19:05.0    17

  18.  1270 Ivan Quiteno         Jr St. Ignatius-San Francis     19:14.5    18

  19.  1341 Gautam Verma         Jr West Torrance HS-Torranc     19:16.5    19

  20.  1267 George Harrington    Sr St. Ignatius-San Francis     19:19.2    20

  21.  1268 Zachary Lapping      Jr St. Ignatius-San Francis     19:19.8    21

  22.  1335 Dustin Dutzy         So West Torrance HS-Torranc     19:23.0    22

  23.  1266 Colin Gunn-Graffy    Jr St. Ignatius-San Francis     19:35.8    23

  24.   895 Leo Watabe           So Mountain View HS-Orem-UT     19:39.4    24

  25.  1338 Andrew Grant         Sr West Torrance HS-Torranc     19:41.9    25

  26.  1339 Tim Kobel            Jr West Torrance HS-Torranc     19:49.5    26

  27.  1337 Jon Gehrt            So West Torrance HS-Torranc     19:53.7     -

  28.   691 Colin Heckman        Jr Lowell HS-San Francisco-     19:58.0     -

  29.  1151 Tristan Blair        Fr San Ramon Valley H.S.-Da     19:58.3    27

  30.  1272 Ben Yaxley           Jr St. Ignatius-San Francis     20:07.7    28

  31.  1269 Jason Najarro        Jr St. Ignatius-San Francis     20:20.8    29

  32.   619 Corey Simmons        Jr King HS-Riverside-CA         20:22.2    30

  33.   690 Nathan Avery         Jr Lowell HS-San Francisco-     20:28.2     -

  34.   207 Kevin Shintani       Jr Castro Valley HS-CA          20:34.2     -

  35.  1129 Ben Borwiec          So San Lorenzo Valley-Felto     20:41.3     -

  36.  1490 Johan Yusof          Jr West Torrance HS-Torranc     20:55.1     -

  37.  1519 Aron Stein           So University HS-San Franci     21:03.8     -

  38.   204 KerryScott Kaufman   Jr Castro Valley HS-CA          21:06.8     -

  39.    52 Joey Klaas           Fr Archbishop Mitty HS-San      21:21.2    31

  40.    65 Mark Herrara         So Archbishop Mitty HS-San      21:29.3    32

  41.   205 Nick Morozovsky      Jr Castro Valley HS-CA          21:34.4     -

  42.   615 Tim Boyd             Sr King HS-Riverside-CA         21:55.7    33

  43.  1133 Josh Mesereth        Sr San Lorenzo Valley-Felto     21:57.5     -

  44.   617 Kevin Mihalyi        Sr King HS-Riverside-CA         22:10.3    34

  45.   495 Johnny King          Sr Half Moon Bay HS-CA          22:13.6    35

  46.   789 Robin Wolthausen     Jr Marin Academy-San Rafael     22:18.5    36

  47.   614 Levi Bailey          Jr King HS-Riverside-CA         22:37.6    37

  48.   499 Ian Rogren           Jr Half Moon Bay HS-CA          22:49.8    38

  49.    20 Steven Lowry         Jr Amador Valley HS-Pleasan     23:04.7     -

  50.   203 Alejo Enriquez       Sr Castro Valley HS-CA          23:14.7     -

  51.   777 John Duong           Jr Marin Academy-San Rafael     23:18.9    39

  52.   501 Jan Thissen          Jr Half Moon Bay HS-CA          23:22.9    40

  53.   489 Jon Centoni          So Half Moon Bay HS-CA          23:44.4    41

  54.   490 Erik Connell         Sr Half Moon Bay HS-CA          24:04.3    42

  55.   500 Darren Taylor        Fr Half Moon Bay HS-CA          24:05.3    43

  56.   787 Avery Monsen         Sr Marin Academy-San Rafael     24:07.9    44

  57.   200 Brian Phillips       Sr Castro Valley HS-CA          24:11.7     -

  58.   496 Nate Lewis           Fr Half Moon Bay HS-CA          24:12.6    45

  59.   503 Duncan Weir          Fr Half Moon Bay HS-CA          24:16.9     -

  60.   494 Dylan Ho             So Half Moon Bay HS-CA          24:30.1     -

  61.  1131 Eric Grant           So San Lorenzo Valley-Felto     24:34.8     -

  62.   618 Gw Rodriguez         Sr King HS-Riverside-CA         24:56.4    46

  63.   781 Cj Green             Sr Marin Academy-San Rafael     25:13.6    47

  64.  1520 Christien Tompkins   So University HS-San Franci     25:17.7     -

  65.   504 Jason Whelen         So Half Moon Bay HS-CA          25:23.0     -

  66.    67 Brian Moffet         Jr Archbishop Mitty HS-San      27:15.2    48

  67.   502 Karl Vollmer         Sr Half Moon Bay HS-CA          28:10.0     -

  68.    68 James Pettibone      Jr Archbishop Mitty HS-San      28:56.3    49

  69.    50 Jesse Hall           So Archbishop Mitty HS-San      29:12.4    50

  70.   785 Dan Keeler           Sr Marin Academy-San Rafael     31:06.9    51

  71.   780 Ezra Fox             Jr Marin Academy-San Rafael     33:24.3    52

Detailed Team Analysis

Mountain View HS-Orem-UT

       Place   # Name                         Time    Score   Behind winner


         1.  891 Steve Handy                  17:20.6    1    00:00.0  -

         2.  896 Bryan Wilson                 17:30.8    2    00:10.2  |

         3.  894 Dave Shumway                 17:33.4    3    00:12.8  |

         4.  893 Jared Keller                 17:43.2    4    00:22.6  |

         6.  890 Jordan Glazier               17:54.8    6    00:34.2  -- Spread: 00:34.2

         7.  892 Chad Horton                  18:07.4   (7)   00:46.8   

        24.  895 Leo Watabe                   19:39.4  (24)   02:18.8   


                                            1:28:02.8   16

San Ramon Valley H.S.-Danville-CA

       Place   # Name                         Time    Score   Behind winner


         5. 1150 Scott Bauhs                  17:43.7    5    00:23.1  -

         8. 1149 Jeff Atwood                  18:24.4    8    01:03.8  |

        10. 1148 Justin Arnold                18:44.6   10    01:24.0  |

        12. 1154 Paul Tomeo                   18:47.3   12    01:26.7  |

        15. 1153 Jonathan Rihel               18:55.6   15    01:35.0  -- Spread: 01:11.9

        16. 1152 Bj Kirk                      18:58.0  (16)   01:37.4   

        29. 1151 Tristan Blair                19:58.3  (27)   02:37.7   


                                            1:32:35.6   50

West Torrance HS-Torrance-CA

       Place   # Name                         Time    Score   Behind winner


         9. 1336 Tetlo Emmen                  18:44.0    9    01:23.4  -

        11. 1340 Ryan Ung                     18:46.5   11    01:25.9  |

        17. 1342 Andy Viton                   19:05.0   17    01:44.4  |

        19. 1341 Gautam Verma                 19:16.5   19    01:55.9  |

        22. 1335 Dustin Dutzy                 19:23.0   22    02:02.4  -- Spread: 00:39.0

        25. 1338 Andrew Grant                 19:41.9  (25)   02:21.3   

        26. 1339 Tim Kobel                    19:49.5  (26)   02:28.9   


                                            1:35:15.0   78

St. Ignatius-San Francisco-CA

       Place   # Name                         Time    Score   Behind winner


        13. 1271 Joseph Sciarrillo            18:48.9   13    01:28.3  -

        18. 1270 Ivan Quiteno                 19:14.5   18    01:53.9  |

        20. 1267 George Harrington            19:19.2   20    01:58.6  |

        21. 1268 Zachary Lapping              19:19.8   21    01:59.2  |

        23. 1266 Colin Gunn-Graffy            19:35.8   23    02:15.2  -- Spread: 00:46.9

        30. 1272 Ben Yaxley                   20:07.7  (28)   02:47.1   

        31. 1269 Jason Najarro                20:20.8  (29)   03:00.2   


                                            1:36:18.2   95

King HS-Riverside-CA

       Place   # Name                         Time    Score   Behind winner


        14.  616 Adam Pritchard               18:51.2   14    01:30.6  -

        32.  619 Corey Simmons                20:22.2   30    03:01.6  |

        42.  615 Tim Boyd                     21:55.7   33    04:35.1  |

        44.  617 Kevin Mihalyi                22:10.3   34    04:49.7  |

        47.  614 Levi Bailey                  22:37.6   37    05:17.0  -- Spread: 03:46.4

        62.  618 Gw Rodriguez                 24:56.4  (46)   07:35.8   


                                            1:45:57.0  148

Half Moon Bay HS-CA

       Place   # Name                         Time    Score   Behind winner


        45.  495 Johnny King                  22:13.6   35    04:53.0  -

        48.  499 Ian Rogren                   22:49.8   38    05:29.2  |

        52.  501 Jan Thissen                  23:22.9   40    06:02.3  |

        53.  489 Jon Centoni                  23:44.4   41    06:23.8  |

        54.  490 Erik Connell                 24:04.3   42    06:43.7  -- Spread: 01:50.7

        55.  500 Darren Taylor                24:05.3  (43)   06:44.7   

        58.  496 Nate Lewis                   24:12.6  (45)   06:52.0   


                                            1:56:15.0  196

Archbishop Mitty HS-San Jose-CA

       Place   # Name                         Time    Score   Behind winner


        39.   52 Joey Klaas                   21:21.2   31    04:00.6  -

        40.   65 Mark Herrara                 21:29.3   32    04:08.7  |

        66.   67 Brian Moffet                 27:15.2   48    09:54.6  |

        68.   68 James Pettibone              28:56.3   49    11:35.7  |

        69.   50 Jesse Hall                   29:12.4   50    11:51.8  -- Spread: 07:51.2


                                            2:08:14.4  210

Marin Academy-San Rafael-CA

       Place   # Name                         Time    Score   Behind winner


        46.  789 Robin Wolthausen             22:18.5   36    04:57.9  -

        51.  777 John Duong                   23:18.9   39    05:58.3  |

        56.  787 Avery Monsen                 24:07.9   44    06:47.3  |

        63.  781 Cj Green                     25:13.6   47    07:53.0  |

        70.  785 Dan Keeler                   31:06.9   51    13:46.3  -- Spread: 08:48.4

        71.  780 Ezra Fox                     33:24.3  (52)   16:03.7   


                                            2:06:05.8  217


Return to Great Race of the Great Bay results

Charter Sponsors
DyeStat thanks these organizations for providing significant support to DyeStat
in the 2001-2002 school year, earning Charter Sponsor status for 5 years.


Great American Cross Country Festival Inc.

National Scholastic Sports Foundation

adidas Midwest Indoor Track Classic

This web site is edited and published
by John Dye. For corrections, news,
zany off the wall comments, friendly jibes,
hostile pot shots, or welcome praise,
send email to John Dye at dye@dyestat.com .

©DyeNet LLC 2000-2001