Lynbrook HS - Update #1 - click on FALL / CROSS COUNTRY

Hello Fellow Runner,                                                         June 12, 2007

Here's an update on what's going on since Track season ended, what's planned for this summer and a little nudge to get you out there and running in your "spare" time, not to mention to get you out for Cross-Country this fall (hey, we have a good time). First off, for those of you who don't know me, let me introduce myself to you (returnees can skip the following paragraph):

I'm Hank Lawson and I've been coaching X-C at Lynbrook since 1994. Before that, I coached at Gunn High School from '88 - '92 and ran there from '69 - '73. In between, I ran for De Anza JC, San Diego State, founded and coached the Hewlett-Packard Track Team in the SF Bay Area, worked and ran for Runner's World Magazine and my last stint was programming/running/coaching at Maxtor Corporation. I'm very involved in Community Theater and help out alot at local shows. I still run and race competitively (when I'm not injured) and hope to run with you all this fall.

Missy Sudan was born and raised on the East Coast - Massachusetts to be exact. In high school Missy ran the 440/880 (sub-60 PR in the 440). After High School Missy went to the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. She never continued her running career in college, although she always wished she had. After college, her major in Communications and Film Studies landed her a job for a local TV station in Boston. A co-worker there ran for the Cambridge Running Club and convinced her to join the club and begin road racing. Missy worked until the birth of her son, Anil, in 2002. This began a new career for Missy, that of stay-at-home mom. Missy has since added a daughter (Anjali) to the family. She loves running and is very passionate about her sport. She wants to be that encouraging HS coach that she believes every athlete should have the opportunity to experience. "It's great to combine your work with your passion!"

New kid on the block, John Dovala will be coaching and teaching Social Studies (do we still call it that) at Lynbrook this year. He comes from the engineering side of Silicon Valley but has seen "the light" and has become a teacher. He runs many 5 & 10K's along with the 1/2 and full marathons (he's even done an Ultra or two). He'll be running with you all and is excited to become a Vike. Mandy has accepted a position as the girls Head XC Coach at St Francis. We'll be seeing her at invites and such and she is expecting to be "ribbed" by everyone so let's not dissapoint.

OK that's us in a nutshell. You can do the "300 Mile Club" again this summer. This is where you have 60 days to run 300 miles (5 miles a day average). Just keep a log of where you ran and how far each run is. You can start any time between now and June 30th. Then, just turn your log into me at the beginning of school and you'll get a "300 Mile Club" T-shirt. We had a few runners do it last year, let's try and get some more this year. If you're really ambitious, you can go for the "500 Mile Club" (Jr & Sr only) and get a "Custom Design" T-shirt for your effort. Los Gatos is having their standard "All Comers Meets" starting June 21st at 6:00 PM and going every Thursday until August 19th. It's $4.00 entry fee and you can run as many of the races as you want. All sorts of ages and caliber of athletes show up to these races and it's fun (plus, if you win your division, High School, you get your name in the paper the next day, usually). At WV College every Wed night at 5:15 a group of runners (headed by the Wilcox coach) work out on the track. One big event we will be doing this year is going to Pepperdine for an XC race in Sept. We'll be taking the first 40 guys & gals that sign up and have shown a commitment to running over the summer. We'll be basing our selection on Commitment, Speed & Attitude so if you want to be considered for Pepperdine you better make yourself known over the summer. Finally, on Mon & Wed (starting June 18th) at 5:30pm at Lynbrook Pool we will be running organized workouts from 3-7 miles (depends on your shape). Check for more information on races and workouts. There is also the Marshal Clark 4Mi (Aug 25th) that we will be hosting as a fund-raiser. As you can see, lots of action is happening this summer - be a part of it!

We start X-C training on Aug. 13th at 9:00 (we meet at the Football shed by the Field House). We'll start off with an easy 3 miles that day and then work our way up from there. By the end of the season, you'll be able to run 9 miles in the hills without breaking a sweat. Attached is a PRELIMINARY race schedule. We'll have our standard Pizza Party, Rallye Run, Hash Run, Ice Cream Run, Turf & Surf, and some others I hope. You need to have your HEALTH CARDS in before you can OFFICIALLY run for the team. So please get your packet and get your physical ASAP. I suggest you print off the PRE-SEASON CHECKLIST form found on the XC web site to see what's needed for XC.

Hank Lawson (408) 460-6785 cell HANKLAW@IX.NETCOM.COM