XC Update #1 - 2010
Fellow Runners
Track is over and it's time to think about cross country. Jake White and Ruth Graham will be your coaches for next year
and we're looking at a possible 3rd coach. You can find Jake's biography on Hank's web site [www.LYNBROOKSPORTS.COM].
Our program should remain strong the varsity boys and girls both went on to the CCS finals and we had one advance to the State
Meet Luca Signore. Our frosh Soph, JV girls and JV boys also had a strong season. You can go to [XC stats] to look at results.
Also we will have unofficial, voluntary practices starting on June 21. These are the days Ruth or I will be there, you choose
what you want to do. We meet at Rainbow Park.
Here is the schedule:
Mon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
9am 9am 9am 9am 9am TBA
5:30pm 5:30pm
The season begins within 4 weeks after school starts. If you want to have a successful season Summer running is crucial.
If you can't train with our Summer group you can train on your own. Try to run 4 to 6 times a week with runs starting
at 30 mins and working up to 45 mins with one run of 60 minutes. Summer is the time to build endurance and strengthen
muscles and tendons to prevent injuries.
Also there are other events over the summer. All comer meets at Los Gatos track, Dammit Race in August and Marshall
Clark 4 miler to name a few.
We start official practice August 16 (I think) at 9am. Meet at Football shed by the Field House.
A word to new runners, you will be evaluated by the coaches so you do not do more than you're prepared for. We are very
careful with you. We want you to have a positive running experience. We will guarantee that you will be in super shape
by the end of the season and ready to move into a winter sport if you choose.
You need to have your HEALTH CARDS in before you can OFFICIALLY practice with team when the Season begins.
Please go and print off the PRESEASON CHECKLIST to get the forms you need.
Jake White, Head Coach (408) 353-4329 email jakeantoin@yahoo.com
Thank you Jake White
PS: more to come in future updates