Cross-Country at Lynbrook High School

Cross Country at Lynbrook High School has always had a place for three
types of runners. First, we are looking for the runner who likes distance
running. Next, we are looking for the middle distance runner (880-miler
type) who wants to run Cross Country in order to strengthen themselves
for the track season. Third, we are always looking for the smaller type
of person who had participated little in athletics before but has the desire
to do well. With strength and maturity, they all of a sudden run "wild"
about their junior year. Lynbrook has had its share of this type of runner,
one who went un-noticed in junior high, but then became the section leader
as an upperclassmen at Lynbrook.

Cross Country is a sport where everyone runs approximately three miles
over hills and/or level ground. It is a sport where one can improve greatly
over a period of time. Most of the good distance runners of the world today
are over 25 years of age, whereas in swimming, the swimmers of that age
are generally long over the hill. One of the greatest problems that a freshman
has to face is the fear of running three miles. As a senior, many runners
think it is nothing to run 8 to 10 miles at a time. In order to do that
however, it takes a slow build up. That is why it is important to
run before the season starts in September so that your legs and lungs will
be in good shape.

Cross Country is a sport where everyone participates and there are
no cuts. It is also a sport where the small student has as good a chance
for success as does the larger runner. Cross Country is not an easy sport
and perhaps "desire and dedication" plays a greater role than
in any other sport; certainly size isn't important. We hope we can get
more runners out this year than in the past, as that has been our greatest
problem --- team depth. We have generally had a very good runner each year,
but have just been too thin to compete with the top teams in the section.

Interesting that the above comments seem to still hold true in 2000.
Lynbrook has the athletes but we seem unable to get them all to come out
for the team.  Although 2000 saw its biggest team turnout ever with 61
runners competeing at the DAL League Finals.

Here are some notes, especially for freshman going out for Cross Country.
We normally practice every day including Friday here at Lynbrook. We are
forbidden to practice (coach and runners together)on Sundays,
or holidays; however, there is nothing that says that one can't go out
for a run on these days by yourself or with a group of teammates. We work
basically on a varied schedule. One day hard and the next day easy, as
high school runners are too young physically to run hard too many days
in a row. Everyone needs a rest and a change of pace. Freshmen will take
a PE class in addition to their running. It is expected that one will get
dressed and out to practice quickly so that the entire team can practice
together. The schedule will not be finalized until September.

Cross Country practice begins 2 weeks prior to the first day of school
with meets starting in mid-September. The season ends about Veteran's Day
(November 11th) unless the teams have qualified for the section finals
or beyond. In order to run Cross Country or participate in any sport at
the high school level, one must have a physical exam and medical insurance
on record with the school. Please see that this is completed early. Once
the physical card and insurance card are taken care of, they are good for
the entire school year. You have two priorities, school and Cross Country.

More information can be found at:

and the pre-season Checklist at: