Lynbrook X-C "Do's & Don'ts!"

Updated: Oct 30, 2008

PARENTS SECTION: Do not call or email me or the school in order to excuse
your child from a practice or meet.  You are not out for the sport, your child
is.  Please allow them to take responsibility for themselves.  I expect the 
ATHLETE to communicate any and all possible conflicts with me.  This is a volunteer
sport, not a class - they must be in control of their own destiny when it comes
to this sport.  Thank you for understanding this.

Please do feel free to contact me or the school if you have any questions regarding 
the sport - I am ALWAYS happy to discuss questions and ideas with you.


1) Practices are held everyday (Mon-Fri) after school from 3:15-5:45
   (sometimes longer).  You are expected to attend ALL practices and
   Meets unless you have worked it out with a coach at least ONE WEEK
   PRIOR to the days workout.  Be aware of this commitment before
   you decide to join the X-C team.  DO NOT SIGN UP FOR A CLASS (8th period)
   FOR AFTER SCHOOL - THIS WILL NOT WORK.  Unexcused absences will be
   handled as follows:

   o Sophomores: Since you are being excused from PE in order to compete
     on the X-C Team, we will follow the same rules that the PE Dept
     has established, 3 unexcused absences and your grade is lowered by
     one grade (from an "A" to a "B").

   o Four (4) unexcused absences and you're off the team.

   o If you have an excused absence, go to Team PE that day and workout.

   o We realize that everyone has conflicts.  In order to handle this, we 
     want everyone's conflicts, written down on paper with your name, by
     the Friday after the Lynbrook Center Meet.  After that date, they're 
     unexcused absences unless discussed, in advance, with a coach.  This
     ONLY applies to conflicts on practices, NOT meets.

   o Sign in before workouts or get an unexcused absence.

   o Do NOT have your friends or parents tell me that you won't be at
     practice.  If it's important enough for you to miss practice, then
     YOU should tell me yourself.

   o If you are sick and not at school, send me an email or call me.
     If you are sick and go to school, you must still suit up, come to XC and check in.
     If you are sick or injured for a meet, and you go to school, you must still 
       attend the meet to support your teammates. 

2) Appropriate Behavior.

   o No drugs, alcohol or tobacco.  If caught, you're off the team for the
     rest of the season - don't take the chance.

   o No Foul Language or derogatory terms.  Ten push-ups, 20 if it gets

   o You represent your school, teammates & coaches - do not embarass anyone.

   o Obey the Rules Of The Road.

3) Before - During - After Workouts.

   o Before ALL runs we stretch (15 minutes), in a circle.  All Seniors are
     in the middle of the circle leading the stretching.

   o During runs, stop to stretch.  Do not stop to walk, this may effect your grade.  Hydrate.

   o After all distance runs and before all intervals and races we do STRIDES.

   o We practice RAIN or SHINE, HOT or COLD.  If your parent has an issue about
     practices, they MUST call me (408 TBA) to discuss.  DO NOT have them
     send in a note or use you as the messanger.  Dress accordingly.

   o No IPODS - they distract you while on the roads and are a conversation stopper.

4) Health Cards.
   o Health Cards in ASAP - no one races, or in Team Photo,
     without them.

5) Keep your GPA up.  You are a "STUDENT - Athlete".  A student first,
   athlete second.

6) Check Roster.  Name, address, phone #, etc.

7) Recruit - Get your buddies out to run with us.
   Last day do join XC is the Tuesday after Labor Day.

8) Goals.

   o Top 50% (7 max) athletes (M&F), with all times combined, per each race,
     get nice sweats.
     If you're a Senior and this is your 4th year of running Cross-Country.

   o Team Captains are Seniors that have done Cross-Country for at least 
     one year.

9) If you can't make DAL Finals or compete in more than 50% of the meets, then 
   don't come out for X-C.


   If you're signed up to run a race and don't - $10 reimbursement for entry fee.
   Do NOT leave meet site unless checking in with a coach first.

   LSD & Band is not an excuse to miss a Meet and/or a practice.  Be aware that
   if you plan on doing either of these activities, they will conflict with XC.
   Talk with me IN ADVANCE about how this might work.

   If you find that XC is not the sport for you, and want to change sports, you
   must tell me in person of your decision and turn in your uniform before I 
   will release you to another sport.  Be a responsible athlete.

   If we make Post-Season competition (CCS or State), there are NO allowable
   missed practices unless they are on your conflict list from the beginning
   of the season.  THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS - otherwise, the alternate will 
   compete in your place.

   You are not allowed to compete in any race, of any kind, outside of XC 
   without a coaches OK.  By doing so, you might make yourself inellegible for the season.

10) Have fun and run.