Vista Networking.

Creating a keybord shortcut to capture photos.

Pulling up the wrong Start List after the event is captured.

Changing HEADINGS on Display & Printouts / MM:SS.TH Time Formats

To create the EVENTS (LYNX.EVT/SCH) file (without people's names in it):

o In EXCEL open the file TRACK/PROGRAM.XLS o Go to the EVENTS (or DUAL) worksheet o Each EVENT gets its OWN "EVT_NO" - must be 2 characters (ie. 01) (ie. the 1600 gets 4 event #'s since there is a VB, VG, F/S & JVG race) o ROUND is always "1" o HEAT is usually "1" (except in the races [sprints] where it is as many as you need) o EVENT is 14 characters, max (The spreedsheet example should be pretty clear) o SAVE AS "Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 workbook" type file o SAVE AS "CSV (Comma delimited)" type file, with a name of EXCEL/TRACK/xxxx/LYNX.CSV (this will be used later) o Close the EXCEL file (choose NO when it asks if you want to save the changes) o Using WORD 6.0 open the file "LYNX.CSV" and save as both "LYNX.EVT" and "LYNX.SCH" (TEXT DOCUMENT)

To create the EVENTS (LYNX.EVT) file (WITH people's names & times in it):

NOTE: MAX - 25 entrants per event. 50 Events. o Must be created on the Laptop or open an existing EVT file and do a cut&paste (to keep EVT file type in place) - but now, this doesn't seem to be true. o In EXCEL open the file TRACK/PROGRAM.XLS o Go to the DATA_ENTRY_TRACK worksheet o The existing example will hopefully explain all of the fields The fields EVT_NO (xx), EVENT, DIV, HEAT (x) and LANE (1 thru 9, then xx), as well as the data, must be filled in or it won't Print properly (see NOTE below). o Heat should have a '1' in it unless there are multiple heats. o EVT_NO must be 2 characters (xx) o If you want the qualifying or trials time to be displayed in the Starters List, be sure to use T_Time as the field. Note: At the end of each event and each heat (within each event) you need a blank line. You also need a blank line after 20 entries have been listed. This is used for printing the Program & Results, to be explained elsewhere. Note: The DATA_ENTRY_TRACK worksheet to be used must be the FIRST worksheet in the workbook. This is also for printing of the Program & Results. o SAVE AS "Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 workbook" type file o Exit EXCEL and get into WORD97 o Open the file TRACK/0000/LYNXEVT.DOC or LYNXEVT_0.DOC and mail merge (TOOLS/MAIL MERGE/Merge/merge) (NOTE: The data source is EXCEL/TRACK/xxxx/PROGRAM.XLS - entire worksheet) o Delete any misc lines at the end of the file that weren't needed for the merge. o REPLACE ALL ,,, (),,,^P with 'nothing' o SAVE AS a TEXT ONLY type file with the name EXCEL/TRACK/xxxx/LYNX.EVT Note: Answer YES to the SAVE question and click on TEXT ONLY to the following question. o Exit WORD97 o If file is saved as LYNX.EVT.TXT then within File Explorer rename to LYNX.EVT

To create the PEOPLE (LYNX.PPL) file:

(Both EVT & PPL files must be created using the SAME data) o Must be created on the Laptop or open an existing PPL file and do a cut&paste (to keep PPL file type in place) - but now, this doesn't seem to be true. o In EXCEL open the file TRACK/PROGRAM.XLS o Go to the DATA_ENTRY_TRACK worksheet o The existing example will hopefully explain all of the fields as The fields EVT_NO (xx), EVENT, DIV, HEAT (x) and LANE (x thru 9, then xx), well as the data, must be filled in or it won't Print properly (see NOTE below). o Heat should have a '1' in it unless there are multiple heats. o EVT_NO must be 2 characters (xx) o If you want the qualifying or trials time to be displayed in the Starters List, be sure to use T_Time as the field. Note: At the end of each event and each heat (within each event) you need a blank line. You also need a blank line after 20 entries have been listed. This is used for printing the Program & Results, to be explained elsewhere. Note: The DATA_ENTRY_TRACK worksheet to be used must be the FIRST worksheet in the workbook. This is also for printing of the Program & Results. o SAVE AS "Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 workbook" type file o Exit EXCEL and get into WORD97 o Open the file TRACK/0000/LYNXPPL.DOC and mail merge (TOOLS/MAIL MERGE/Merge/merge) (NOTE: The data source is TRACK/PROGRAM.XLS - entire worksheet) o Turn "Paragraph" ON and see if there are any "hidden characters" which might make an athlete not show up in the file. To correct, put a blank ROW in front of the athlete that is missing in the Excel file. o SAVE AS a TEXT ONLY type file with the name EXCEL/TRACK/xxxx/LYNX.PPL (delete any misc lines at the end of the file that weren't needed for the merge) Note: Answer YES to the SAVE question and click on TEXT ONLY to the following question. o Exit WORD97 o If file is saved as LYNX.PPL.TXT then within File Explorer rename to LYNX.PPL

To load the PPL file back into Excel

o Get into WORD97 and FILE/OPEN LYNX.PPL o EDIT/SELECT ALL o TABLE/CONVERT TO TEXT (commas - should be 4 columns) o EDIT/COPY (the Table) o Get into EXCEL and get to ATHLETE #'s worksheet o Cursor in cell "A1" o EDIT/PASTE o SAVE and EXIT the EXCEL worksheet o Exit WORD97 (but do not SAVE)

To MERGE all schools entries

o Run EXCEL o Open that school's PROGRAM.XLS file and go to DATA_ENTRY worksheet o Select and copy all athletes in the DATA_ENTRY sheet o Run a second EXCEL and open up the PROGRAMxx.XLS file for that year o Go to the ENTRIES worksheet in the PROGRAMxx.XLS file and EDIT/PASTE at the end o Do this for each and every school. o Once all schools athletes are merged into the ENTRIES worksheet of the PROGRAMxx.XLS file, select the entire sheet and sort by: 1) EVT_NO (A); 2) DIV (C); Q_TIME (J) o Fill in the correct event # (can get this from the EVENTS sheet if none are listed) for each Event/Div combination. o To be sure that the TIME field all have the same format (some may be input as 'hh:mm:ss AM' and some might be 'm/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss AM'), you can select the column, paste into WORD (for holding), clear the column, ensure the format for the column is the '' for the cell, then COPY/PASTE back the column from WORD into EXCEL. This way, TIME cells have the same format in that column. o Might need to do the same for FIELD marks if the "-" was used. Just do a REPLACE ALL to get rid of the "-". o Save the EXCEL file and procede to "To create and print the Meet Program" section

To create and print the Pre-Meet Program or Post-Meet Results

Note: Will print 1 event (4 divisions) per page For results, the LANE is actually FINISH place o Run EXCEL o FILE/OPEN the file TRACK/PROGRAM.XLS o Select entire ENTRIES worksheet and sort by: - Last_Name (to weed out the blank entries) o Delete all the "non-entries" (blanks) o Select entire ENTRIES worksheet again and sort by: - Evt_No (so the Meet Program prints in the order of events) - Q_Time (to get the athletes in the correct order) MM:SS.TH format o Fill in the Heat (x) and Lane assignments: (Lane= x-9, then xx) - Sort by heat first (Evt_No, Heat, Q_Time) - Heat: Alternate 1,2,3 (or 1,2) depending on # of desired heats Alternates are listed in Heat 2 with a 91, 92, 93 ... lane designation - Lane: Within each heat assign lanes: o 4-5-3-6-2-7-1-8-9 (400M on down) o 1-2-3-... (800M on up) o "-" in LANE if the person 'scratched' (something MUST be in LANE to print). o shortest mark is 1st athlete in first flight (field events) FFF-II.xx format split into 2 flights with exception of HJ - one flight - Resort by Lane (Evt_No, Heat, Lane) - Flight #2 in Field events have the 'best half' of the entered marks. - Track event heats should be 'balanced' heats. Note: At the end of each event AND each heat (within each event) you need a blank line. You also need a blank line after 16 (not 20) entries have been listed. This is used for printing the Program & Results, to be explained elsewhere. If you need a blank 'event grid' to be printed, insert an extra 'blank ROW' in the Excel file. Note: The ENTRIES worksheet to be used must be the FIRST worksheet in the workbook. This is also for printing of the Program & Results. o School should be 4 characters-MAX, or the program will print off-set o SAVE AS "Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 workbook" type file o Exit EXCEL and get into WORD97 o Open the file TRACK/PROGRAM.DOC and mail merge (TOOLS/MAIL MERGE/Merge/merge) (NOTE: The data source is TRACK/PROGRAM.XLS - entire worksheet) o Print out the merged document (check at end of document for empty pages) o Page Margins should be: Top .4; Bottom .3; Left .25; Right .2 o Exit WORD97 (no need to save the files) Note: When printing one event at a time, create a TEMP worksheet that you can copy each event into after done printing. This way you'll have ALL of the events together, with lane assignments, in one worksheet when you're through.

To create the Field Event sheets (HJ/PV)

o Make a backup copy of the PROGRAM.XLS file o Run Excel and delete Track & HJ entries in ENTRIES worksheet & save o Remove blank lines in events that go past 16 athletes - sheets can handle 20. o Exit Excel and run WORD97 o FILE/OPEN word document TRACK/FIELD.DOC (or FIELD_HJ.DOC) o TOOLS/MAIL MERGE/Merge/merge to printer (OK) o Exit WORD97 (answer NO to the save question)

To create the Track Event sheets

o Make a backup copy of the PROGRAM.XLS file o Run Excel and delete all Field entries in the ENTRIES worksheet & save o Remove blank lines in events that go past 16 athletes - sheets can handle 20. o Exit Excel and run WORD97 o FILE/OPEN word document TRACK/TRACK.DOC o TOOLS/MAIL MERGE/Merge/merge to printer (OK) o Exit WORD97 (answer NO to the save question)

Hooking LYNX camera up to Laptop

o Boot up Laptop o LYNX Hub set to NO o Run MS ActiveSync o FILE/CONNECTION SETTINGS o "un-check" Allow Serial Cable o Close MS ActiveSync o Run LYNX software o Once camera S/w is done loading, click on red stop sign (and test camera )

Running LYNX software on FIONA

o Run the LYNX icon o You will get an error message that there is a TCP/IP problem (that's because the Laptop is on the network), answer YES to run the program

To process LYNX results (using FIONA)

o Open up Explorer on FIONA o Double click on tree C:LYNX/DATA/TEMPLATE on FIONA o Double click on tree Network:HANK:LYNX/DATA/TEMPLATE o Drag files to process from HANK onto FIONA (Note: You need BOTH the LYNX and the ".i01" file) o Get into LYNX software and open file to process (ALT F-O) o FILE/SAVE (ALT F-S) to save processed file) o RESULTS/PRINT/OK (ALT R-P) in order to print results o FILE/CLOSE WINDOW (ALT F-W) when done and ready for next event

To convert LIF results from Trials/Finals into SCVAL Excel results (#1 CHOICE)

o Run CTR to create the 99 LIF files o Run WORD97 & FILE/OPEN the LIF file in LYNX/DATA/.. (file type:*.*) that you want o EDIT/SELECT ALL (ALT E-L) o TABLE/CONVERT TEXT TO TABLE (commas-11 fields) ALT A-V o TABLE/SELECT TABLE (ALT A-A) o COPY (CTRL C) o Exit WORD97 and run Excel with file LYNX/DATA/TEMPLATE/PROGRAM.XLS o Get into the LIF worksheet o PASTE (CTRL V) data into sheet NOTE: When pasting into Excel, the format will be 'm/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM' format so you might have to do a COPY/PASTE into WORD, re-format the Excel column, and then do a COPY/PASTE back from WORD to Excel. Especially for the 400 and 300H for girls where their time flirts with 1:00.00 and 00:59.90 (where the 1:00.00 would be sorted AHEAD of the 00:59.00 in this case). o Massage data as needed o Place cells must be GENERAL format

To convert LIF results from Trials/Finals into SCVAL Excel results (#2 CHOICE)

o Run WORD97 & FILE/OPEN the LIF file in LYNX/DATA/.. (file type:*.*) that you want o EDIT/SELECT ALL (ALT E-L) o TABLE/CONVERT TEXT TO TABLE (commas) ALT A-V o Delete row with EVENT DESC (but don't forget what event you're working on) o TABLE/SELECT TABLE (ALT A-A) o Sort by LANE, Ascending o Select TIME column o COPY (CTRL C) o Exit WORD97 and run Excel with file LYNX/DATA/TEMPLATE/PROGRAM.XLS o Get into the ENTRIES worksheet o PASTE (CTRL V) data into T_TIME (or FTIME if it's the Finals) NOTE: When pasting into Excel, the format will be 'm/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM' format so you might have to do a COPY/PASTE into WORD, re-format the Excel column, and then do a COPY/PASTE back from WORD to Excel. Especially for the 400 and 300H for girls where their time flirts with 1:00.00 and 00:59.90 (where the 1:00.00 would be sorted AHEAD of the 00:59.00 in this case). o Select from FIRST NAME thru T_TIME (or FTIME) and then sort by T_TIME/FTIME (the LANE now becomes PLACE for that heat) o Complete same for second (& third?) heat(s) o Select all data for that event, COPY into SHEET 1, & sort by T_TIME (or FTIME) o Assign Lanes and Alternates and resort by LANE o FILE/PRINT/SELECTION (ALT F-P) o Done - go on to the next event

2nd Option: To convert LIF results file into Excel results

Only used for getting results into Excel - not for adding times into correct columns of PROGRAM.XLS o Run WORD97 & FILE/OPEN the LIF file in LYNX/DATA/.. (file type:*.*) that you want o Change all "(" and ")" to "," (all athletes must have a GRADE or '_') o EDIT/SELECT ALL (ALT E-L) o TABLE/CONVERT TEXT TO TABLE (commas, should be 11 columns) ALT A-V o Select and delete the last 2 columns (table ends with TIME field) ALT A-D o Select & copy First Name column (col #7) ALT E-C o Select Last Name column (col #4) o EDIT/PASTE (ALT E-P) the column o Select column #1 o TABLE/INSERT COLUMN (ALT A-I) insert 4 columns o Select & delete the Athl # column & its neighbor to the right(6&7) ALT A-D o Select and delete columns between grade & school (col 9 & 10) ALT A-D o TABLE/SELECT TABLE (ALT A-A) o EDIT/COPY (ALT E-C) o Exit WORD97 and run Excel with file LYNX/DATA/TEMPLATE/PROGRAM.XLS o Get into the TRIALS_RESULTS worksheet o EDIT/PASTE (ALT E-P) data where you want it o Format for TIME column should first be TEXT and then MM:SS.TH format

To create LIF files to feed into the RESULTS PUBLISHER (Top Choice)

o For field events there are no LIF files so you must create them o Open file LYNX_FLD.DOC o Must be linked to the correct Excel file with Field events in the first worksheet. o Do a Mail Merge. o All of the field events must now be turned into LIF files with the Cut & Paste.

In order to PRINT on Laptop/FIONA to Laserjet 3100:

o Control Panel / Printers o RIGHT click on HP Laserjet 3100 / Properties / Details o Set to 'COM7: (HP Print Port)' and 'HP Laserjet 3100' (set back to 'LPT2(3)' / 'LPT1:(\\SERVER\HP-3100) when done)

To PRINT picture with results within the LYNX S/W:

o Set page setup to LANDSCAPE o Select picture using the RIGHT mouse button o The chose PRINT with PRINT RESULTS set to ON (DPI 300) o If you want the Evaluation lines to print as well then check "Selected by Default" under the IMAGES tab.

To PRINT just results within the LYNX S/W:

o Set page setup to LANDSCAPE o RESULTS/PRINT

To adjust finish time:

o RESULTS/FILTERS o 'Check' offset o Either '+' or '-' the amount of time ( o Click OK

Set up computer with IP address & multiple computers networked:

o Hawking HUB set to UPLINK 1 - open 2 - to BLACK BOX HUB 3 - to capture computer 4 - to analyze computer o BLACK BOX HUB = YES (NO for single computer) Note: If camera is on DVD, then when trying to RUN Lynx on HANK you may get a TCP/IP error. Ignore and say YES you want to RUN Lynx. When camera is on HANK, this error should not occur on DVD. o On CAMERA computer (HANK), Control Panel / Network o Double click on TCP/IP NDC ND5100 PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter or the Intel(R) Pro/100 VE o Specify an IP address (192. 0 . 2 . 5 ) (255.255.255. 0 ) o (NOTE: Set back to "obtain an IP address automatically" when done with multiple computers and LYNX) o All other computers should "obtain an IP address automatically". o Be sure that NETBUI is installed and FILE SHARING is enabled o OK / OK o Just click OK or cancel (asking for disc) and then re-start o Enter appropriate computer PW (to ensure network is up)

Settings for Wired and Wireless Start sensor:

(CAMERA refers to Blue Circle with an "I" in the middle, within FinishLynx S/W) - CAMERA/INPUTS Start Sensor: Norm closed = wired .... None = wireless .... Norm open = strobe (LG) Light: Always On (don't know if it matters) Photo eye: None (works on both) - CAMERA/RADIOLYNX Operation: Off = wired .... Connection Box = wireless Setup ID: 000 Start Sensor = on Name: Start 000 On TRANSMITTER - power ON (be sure to charge the night before) - Thumbwheel = 0 - Dib switches all down (OFF) - Black banana plug in BLACK, green banana plug in GREEN (red is left empty) - Connect start sensor with the 'red band' around it (Normally OPEN start sensor) NOTE: If you are using a wired cable to the gun, then use (Normally closed gun sensor) On RECEIVER - Red banana plug in red (12VDC OUT +) slot on Black Box - Serial plug into serial connector on Black Box - no switches need to be turned on - it's ready to go HANK -------- 1235K6-AUMAUA SEAN ------- 12349F-AQAU6E 12349f-YGNPBN JULIA ** -------- 123558-AQI6AM Lynx 123558-9VWN55 Wireless 123558-3GGWND Auto Capture

Set up ONE computer with RJ45 cable

o LYNX Hub set to NO o RJ45 from computer to LYNX Hub and another from LYNX Hub to camera o DVD Laptop capture should be COM1 (not keyboard or COM3) o Must specify LYNX IP address, - (see above)

Lynx S/W Settings (FILE/OPTIONS/):

o GENERAL - Directories are 'C:\LYNX\DATA' o HARDWARE - Check 'use keyboard to capture' if you don't have a capture button. o IMAGE - Hash color (Red), Show & Print lines (Black), Time Gap (Off?) o Hit the Blue "I" (next to camera alignment) and set the following: - If you and camera are on the INSIDE of track, Image Orientation "L" - If you and camera are on the OUTSIDE of track, Image Orientation "R" - Set the current # of lanes - Identify by NOTHING or ID# - SETUP tab and have AGC be AUTO mode

Lynx Wind Gauge (FILE/OPTIONS/):

o WIND: - Wind Module = Standard - Serial Port = Camera 1 (or whatever the camera name is, if connected to the Black Box) - Default Mode= 100M (for 200, be sure Start=13 and Duration=10) or - Get a splitter for the 9-pin serial port and use same COM port as the Capture device (most likly COM1) NOTE: If you have BOTH a Wind Gauge and a wireless sensor, the wireless sensor MUST be hooked up to the Black Box and the Wind Gauge can share the same post as the Capture button (via a splitter). Otherwise, the wind gauge can be hooked up to the Black Box.

Alignment/Focus of Camera:

o Be sure camera is turned on and lens cap is off o Click on RED STOP SIGN to start transmission of camera (camera continues to re-display screen every 3 seconds) o On camera adjust: DISTANCE (oo) ZOOM (Lyn=20) 12.5 is far away, 75 is close up FSTOP (16 bright sunshine, 11 at dusk, 4 if inside)

Changing the GAIN

o Click on INFO button when testing camera OR o Double click GAIN number (to the left of main screen - when ready to start a new event) o 800 - 1000 for sprints, 600 for distance races o CAMERA 1: 500 - 500 - Ave1 - Gain=80 (turn AGC off, MANUAL) RESULTS : 1600 ??

Reading Info from files (FILE/OPTIONS/DATABASE/):

o DATA SOURCE: must be set to FILES o WRITE LIF FILE: must be set to ON

Save by Event Name OR Number-Round-Heat:

Go to (I think) the "General" tab of the options page (not the camera setup page). Hidden in the middle of the screen are two radio buttons that say "Save file as" and the options are event/round/heat number" or "use Event name".