CCS Finals : Todd Fitchen (55th) is top man at 16:29 as Lynbrook places 16th.
DAL Finals : Jeff Soares (12th) runs 16:33 as Lynbrook finishes 4th place. Michelle Seck (15th) runs 20:43 as Lynbrook places 5th.
Crystal Springs Pic : Ken Apperson (MV) at some meet at Crystal Springs.
Sunnyvale Invite : Lynbrook F/S Girls start the season off right by winning their division.
Watermelon Run : Now everyone knows what kind of shape they're in and how much work they need to do.
CCS Preview : and how the season might shape up.
'Green' distance & Booster Club Breakfast.
Frosh letter
CCS Minutes: CCS pre-season minutes for the 1980 season.
State Meet Proposal: They hope to get a State XC Meet this year.