Finish Lynx Clinic
Saturday, Feb 27th, 2010
Where: Saratoga HS - Team Room (map)
Time: 8:00am to 5:00pm (see schedule to decide when you want to show up)
Cost: FREE!!! Except you must email us (below) so we have an idea of who might be coming.
If we don't get a reasonable response, then we will cancel. Confirmed schools attending:
Saratoga (3)
Leigh (1)
Del Mar (2)
Mtn View (1 or 2)
N Salinas (2 or 3)
Pacific Grove (2)
Santa Teresa (4)
Los Altos (2)
Mercy-Burl (1)
Instructors: Hank Lawson ( and Jim Clark (Los Altos HS)
Who: Will be designed for all levels. Send us what you would like covered.
What: This is a FinishLynx only class - we will not be covering HyTek's Meet Manager
or how it can interface with FinishLynx.
Supplies: Course Handbook - print off and bring with you (it is complete, please print and bring).
8:00-10:00 How to setup your hardware. IP issues with Vista & XC. Simple networking.
9:00-10:00 Arrive with your camera & computer and set up your hardware, the clinic is "hands-on".
10:00-12:00 How to:
Create and Event (suggesting naming guidelines)
Start the race (manual and gun sensor)
Capture an event (automatic, manual, toggle)
Evaluate an event (torso, not head)
Save an event
Print an event
We will start with the bare basics for the above. We will then procede to add on:
.EVT file for creating & saving events in a defined order (auto load all events)
.PPL file for evaluation so athletes name & school appear in results with place & time
Creating a numbering system for athlete ID #'s
How to create/modify the EVT & PPL files easily
12:00-1:00 Lunch. Bring your own and ask specific questions for a working lunch or...
local eateries such as Subway, Safeway Deli, Mtn Mikes Pizza, Starbucks...
1:00-3:00 How to "Fix" things / Troubleshooting
Pulled up wrong event
Pulled up wrong start list (Click here)
Reset clock
Add a person to the PPL file
Add an event/heat to the EVT file
Create a JPG file (different types)
Create a keyboard shortcut to create a JPG (Click here)
Finish time is WAY OFF - how do I correct so I can evaluate
Auto Capture Vs Manual Capture Vs Toggle Capture
What if it's to dark for auto capture
Line up camera to the Finish Line
Computer freezes, are start times lost
Computer can't find camera
Networking issues (Vista)
XP Vs Vista Vs Windows 7
How do I change the heading labels in the Results pane of Lynx? (Click here)
3:00-? We're officially over at 3:00 but have the room until 5:00 so we can stay longer if folks have questions.
Finish Lynx Web Site
Finish Lynx Manual - check out section 2 for HW setup
Clinic PowerPoint presentation.