CCS Finals : Tim Stewart (7th) and Craig Kennedy (12th) lead Lynbrook to a 4th (F/S) and 2nd (Frosh) Team finishes.
Region 2 : Tim Stewart (3rd) paces Lynbrook F/S to a team victory at Regions.
SCVAL Finals : Tim Stewart (9th) takes over as the top man and Lynbrook repeats with a 4th place finish.
FUHSD Finals : Lynbrook takes 2nd in Frosh, Soph - wins JV and is 4th in Varsity.
Coyote Center Meet #2: Sophs ran great with Phillips taking 1st and Howard finishing 3rd while leading Lynbrook to the overall win.
Coyote Center Meet #1: Tim Stewart takes 15th as the Varsity Boys finish 4th.
GG Park Center Meet #1: Tim Stewart (12:59) has the hastest time of the day while VB take 7th. Frosh finish 3rd and Sophs take 4th.
MHAL Meet: Lynbrook got beat up pretty badly by both Mt Pleasant and Awalt.
Del Mar Invite: Paul Skinner leads the Varsity to a 6th place finish while JV Boys take 3rd and the Frosh finish 2nd.
Sunnyvale Invite: Skinner has the fastest time of the day but the Freshman and Sophomore teams both bring home the GOLD.
Lynbrook Invite: Paul Skinner (5th) leads the Vikes to the win. JV Boys and Frosh Boys also win with Sophs taking 3rd - a good day.
Watermelon Run: Kevin DeSelms and Craig Kennedy shine in this pre-season race.
XC Introduction: A brief introduction into the sport of Cross Country.