================ MEET INFORMATION =================
SCVAL #5 (March 25): Course Map / Meet Instructions
SCVAL Super Saturday Time Schedule #4: SCVAL #4 (March 20) - Course Map / Map Info / Meet Instructions / More Meet Instructions / Wave Assignments
SCVAL Super Saturday Time Schedule #3: SCVAL #3 (March 6) - Course Map / Course Monitor Jobs / Meet Instructions / Wave Assignments
SCVAL Super Saturday Time Schedule #2: SCVAL #2 (Feb 27) - Course Map / Course Monitor Jobs / Meet Instructions / Wave Assignments
SCCAL Schedule: XC Season is just getting started.
SCVAL Super Saturday Time Schedules #1-#4: SCVAL #1 (Feb 20) - Course Map / Course Monitor Jobs / Meet Instructions / Wave Assignments
Lynbrook Inv/FUHSD Champs (TBD):Records/Map/Description
3rd Jackie Henderson Memorial Inv @ NMC HS (Jan 16-CANCELLED)
Crystal Springs Schedule (preliminary): The Crystal Springs Handbook. Current Policy & Rules.
2020 Track: Still looking for 2020 Track results (GWI, NBNO,...).
================ ARTICLES & MISC =================
A "Controlled Burn" at the Crystal Springs XC course! You have until April 5th to send in your reasons why this is a terrible idea (IMO). Goto This Link and click on Sarah Collamer box to send her an email.
XC State Meet?: Back in 1980 coaches wanted to put together a XC State Meet and this was their initial proposal (only took 7 more years to make it a reality).
Belmont Heights: Some history on how XC races have affected the Homeowners in Belmont Heights for the last 40 or so years. Participation at Crystal Springs over the years.
Distance Pentathlon: Back in the 60's, when distance runners got bored, we would attempt the following; 2mi (rest 12min), 1mi (8min), 880 (4min), 440 (1.5min), 220.
Resolved on Feb 18th - The SCVAL is back in business.
Second follow-up article on Feb 10th - The Brown Act.
The complaint - Cure & Correct letter.
From the Mercury News on Feb 8th - Did SCVAL violate public disclosure law?
In 1971 (first year of the 2.95 course) this is how the finish chute looked at Crystal Springs.
Runner/Comedian Dana Carvey (Carlmont '73) has a SuperBowl commercial (Wayne's World 2020).
CCS has two Track Coaches, Earl Locke (Hill) & Kirk Flatow (Monta Vista) that are Regional winners of the Double Goal Coach Award.
CIF (State) has release their Sports Schedule for the year. Other Section schedules are below: - Central Coast Section - Southern Section - North Coast Section - Sac Joaquin Section - Northern Section (they're keeping a Fall schedule) - LA Section
In case you haven't seen this... CIF Media Release (Dec 1) & CDPH press release (Dec 14). A couple of articles from San Jose Mercury News and HS Sports: BVAL-Where Sports Stand and Rescheduled Start is Threatened
Wanted to get in a little course clean-up in before the rains start (and it was a beautiful day to clean out trenches up at Crystal. So Kirk and I grabbed a shovel and off we went.
Yes, we're slow, here is how the National Postal system got started in 1957.